Arrangements And Feelings

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Heya, so next chapter is here! Tada!!!!
Howdy! Enjoy!
(Rohan's POV)


You can't ditect the moment it drastically changes. And changes for shit.


The son of a bitch of thing that changes in a fraction of a second.

I was happy when I woke up today in the morning. I did not mind my new alarm clock, did not mind my family, did not mind agreeing to Shanaya when she told me to pick her up, did not mind telling Abhi that he had to go to college today alone.

But as I said, life and luck. The two bastard things that can make even Satan himself cry.

As I looked at Abhi's sleeping face, I realised how much my life had changed in those past few hours. My once somewhat happy self had completely worned out, leaving an empty feeling inside me which can be compared to a desert seeking an oasis. Only that I was not sure if I was ever going to relax under the shadow of my personal oasis.

It was gone. Somewhat cold.

Abhi was never cold before.

As I tried to stretch my legs, I felt how much uncomfortable I was feeling in that tiny, claustrophobic ambulance. My legs felt stiff and my whole body was aching because of sitting in one position for a long time. The continuous sound of the ambulance was now starting to make my ear muscles sore.

But still I could not manage to stir a little as I watched Abhi's aunt to fall asleep on my brother's shoulder who had his one arm wrapped around her. My brother had no emotion written on his face whatsoever. He was staring blankly outside and I felt like even if I moved a little, it will be an inconvenience to him. Looking at him was useless so my eyes flickered back to Abhi.

Abhi's whole body was covered with a white sheet, only leaving his head and neck out. His whole head was wrapped in bandage, a horribly crooked nose, busted under lip which was now stitched and his right eye completely blackish violet and swollen. 

We were together yesterday, watching a movie in the mall, right? I felt his muscular back under my nails and his hot blood under the tip of my fingers, just yesterday– right?

Suddenly the ambulance made a screeching noise and it came to a stop. I was jerked back into my seat. Abhi's aunt woke up from her slumber, startled. She had dark bags under her eyes and seemed not to understand what was going on around her or how she had ended up in an ambulance. My brother was seen to be rather calm. He just scowled and tightened his arm around Abhi's aunt.

When I was just going to voice that what was going on and why the ambulance had suddenly stopped, the back door shot opened and the driver came to view.

"We're in the Nanda mansion, Sir." He directed to my brother. Whoa, we were already here?

After the doctor declared Abhi being in coma, he asked us if we were going to keep Abhi in hospital or if we were going to take him back. I had a huge argument there with Abhi's aunt because she did not want Abhi to stay in hospital because she was not able to carry out the medical bills and she wanted to take Abhi to his own home. But I disagreed. Of course, Abhi was not going to stay at the hospital, but he was coming with me to Nanda mansion. My father had no problem in carrying out the medical bills and no way in fucking hell, I was going to let Abhi get out of my sight now.

Yah, I knew that was utterly selfish. Abhi's uncle and aunt did not have their own child. Abhi was all they had. Abhi's uncle was paralysed and was depended on a wheelchair, so it was rather difficult for him to come and see Abhi. And I was 100% sure that even Abhi would not want to stay in Nanda mansion because he felt like he was being a burden. May be I was being selfish for keeping a son away from his parents.

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