Epilogue : Saving His Life

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It was a sunny summer afternoon. I was out with one of my nannies to go to a park near my house. This afternoon time was my favourite time like other kids. I did not like the rides there though, certainly not. They looked far too dangerous. I liked playing with sand there. That was the thing I was always up to. But unlike others, I never made sandcastles. I lived in a mansion and I already did not like it there. Living in a big house could be really tiring. I wanted to make a small house. A small house with a small doors and windows, small kitchen, bathroom, living room with a small garden with a small fence around it. I wanted a small dog too. Small was cute. Small was good.

"I want to live in a small house." I told my nanny with brightened eyes. She smiled down at me.

"Why, young master, you will never have to live in a small house. You are born to live in a big, castle like house." She said. Her words dampened my spirit and I pouted.

"But I get lonely in a big house." I mumbled with my face downwards. My nanny could not listen to me and instead, she pointed in the front direction.

"There, young master, we're already in the park. Go play. But be sure to take care of yourself." She said. I squealed in happiness before running towards the small sandy grounds. I did not pay any attention to the other children playing or swinging on the swings or running. I dipped my legs in the sand and sat down to make a small sandy house. The house of my dreams.

I did not have any calculation of how much time went away. I was making my house with immense concentration when suddenly someone pushed my sitting figure from behind. The force was so much that I fell down on my chin before I stood up on wobbly feet and turned back only to see three boys of my age standing together. They were bigger than me and all three of them had nasty smiles on there faces. I did not at all liked the way they were looking at me.

"Wh-what do you want?" I asked in a small, shaky voice. Those three boys ganged up on me before the one standing in the middle opened his mouth.

"From now on, this is our place. It'll be good for you if you leave quickly." He said in a scary way. My eyes flicked behind them in search of my nanny but I saw her talking to some other woman. I looked back at the boys and gulped.

"How can this place be yours? I was here before you. Besides, we can all play here together." I said. The boys looked at each other before all three pairs of eyes again attacked me.

"Do you think you're worth of playing with us?" The one standing on the left said.

"Look at yourself, you're already sniffing like a little girl." The one on the right said.

"Leave before we make you leave." This time, it was the boy in the middle. I was so scared that I felt like peeing in my pants. But I did not back down and held my ground.

"No. I won't go." I stomped my feet. The three of them again looked at each other before they started to come closer to me. The more I was taking steps back, the more they were growing on me. The boy in the middle raised his hand to strike. I closed my eyes tightly and waited for the impact.

The impact never came.

I peeked through my lashes to see another boy of my age standing in front of me. I could not see his face as his back was towards me. He was holding the hand of the boy in middle. The boys looked like they got suddenly afraid. I did not know what the stranger did but that absolutely made those three boys fearful.

"Run before I tell your mom. And you know I can do that." My saviour said. The boy in the middle nodded hurriedly and the next moment the three of them ran away. I barked out laughing, suddenly feeling very brave. The boy in front of me turned towards me.

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