Craving Him

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Heya!! Here's another chappie!
(Rohan's POV)

I was walking down the college corridor, with my hands nestled into my jeans pocket and my backpack hanging on my back lazily. I was grinning like a fool and weird enough to say, smiling at everyone whom I was passing by on my way. I did not know the reason why I was so happy. I even could not remember when was the last time I was this happy.


Suddenly I heard someone calling me from behind. I smiled foolishly to myself. I well knew that sound. I whirled back and saw my best friend Abhi standing at the far end of the corridor. He waved at me. I smiled at him and started walking towards him. May be I will walk him to his class. I did not like doing classes anyways, so it did not matter if I was late or not.

I was walking at Abhi, when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I fished it out to look at it. But when I took it out in my hand, I saw my phone was covered in blood.

My mouth fell open and my hands started shaking. I was so surprised and scared to see the blood that with a shrill cry, I dropped the phone on the floor. That's when my eyes caught the look of my hands. Both of my hands were thickly coated by that crimson liquid. I stumbled backwards and noticed that the hallway, which was filled with people just a while ago, was now deadly empty. I gulped in fear and looked around myself. The walls of the corridor were covered in splatters of blood. The blood looked fresh, even some droplets were rolling down the walls.

I did a total three sixty degree turn to check my entire surrounding. No one was in my point of view without blood, blood and more blood. Wherever I looked, there was blood. By that time my whole body was shaking. I was taking heavy breaths and I was clenching and unclenching my blood covered fists. The stench of blood was making me dizzy. Suddenly something on the floor, a bit away from me, caught my eyes. It was a body.

It was Abhi's body.

My eyes widened at the sight and I started running to him. When I reached him, I fell down beside him. I sat on my knees, my eyes frantically scanning the horrible sight laying in front of me. Abhi's white shirt and blue jeans were covered in thick layer of blood. Blood was oozing past his lips. His eyes were closed, but the heavy up and downing of his chest indicated that he was alive.

"A-abhi! Abhi! What's wrong? H-how the hell this happened?" My voice cracked. I did not know what to do. Everything was just fine some moments ago, so how on earth everything ended up the way it was now?

My eyes caught the sight of Abhi's fluttering eyes. He was trying to open his eyes. But there were also blood on his eyelids. I hurriedly tried to erase the blood away, but then saw my own bloody hands. I somehow erased the blood on my hand on my shirt and then erased Abhi's. He opened his eyes, his look directed towards the roof. Then he looked at me.

His look chilled the very marrow inside my bone. His look was so accusing, so painful that it brought tears even in my eyes. His look clearly spoke of betrayal but I had no idea who could betray the sweet guy whom everyone loved.

"You could have saved me Rohan", he said in a hoarse voice,"But you chose not to. You betrayed your best friend." He whispered. My eyes widened and I started panicking.

"N-no Abhi, I didn't betray you. I never meant you any harm. Goddamn Abhi, I can do anything for you!"

He did not answer me. He just stared at me sometimes and again looked at the roof. I was going to take his face into my hands to make him look at me again when suddenly blood started pouring out of his eyes. I scurried some distance away at the vicious sight as bile rose in my mouth. I scattered away from him and pushed the back of my hand on my lips. I tried hard but I could not tore my eyes away from Abhi. More blood poured out of his eyes and more and more--

Saving His Life(Book 1:- His series) (boy×boy)Where stories live. Discover now