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As we left Kozumes house i got a huge wave of happiness and Kozume obviously noticed but apparently he doesn't want to say anything...
Guess I have to be the first one to speak.

"So..." I start. "How long have you lived here for?"
Kozume looks over to me.
"Pretty much my whole life." he says quietly.
"Thats cool." I say, "If I ever need directions or suggestions i know who to come too."
He laughs.
He is really cute... I never noticed him like this before.. Why now?
Kozume looks up and blushes.
Oops I was staring..

"Hey... Kozume," I start hesitantly, "Can I tell you something?"
He nods.
"Well.. I had this really good friend who was my pen pal Kenma and he lives in Japan, we used to have such long letters and then... he just stopped. He only stopped a few weeks ago but I'm worried and... I kinda like him and I don't want to stop talking to him. Im sorry for venting too you but I had too get it off my chest and you're my only good friend here." I blush and then look up to Kozumes face and he is blushing like crazy and looks guilty.
He looks at me.
"I have something I need to tell you as well." He states. "First, I think your pen pal might like you as well and..." He hesitates and looks down.

"Im Kenma."

I stop breathing.

"W-what?" I say.
"Sorry for lying.. I was just so nervous and you are so beautiful (First Name) I thought you might stop talking to me if you knew it was me... but now you've told me that.. im sorry.." He says, his eyes start to tear up a bit.

"Kozu-- Kenma.." I dont know what to say so I do the only other thing I could think of.

I grab his shirt collar and our lips meet.

I can tell my face is tomato red and his already was. His eyes widen and look into mine.
We didn't talk much after that for a good few minutes. I think we were both surprised at what just happened but ever so often our eyes would lock and a bunch of new feelings flooded in.

Pen Pals {Kenma x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now