Chapter Fifteen

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I stood there like a statue; I didn't know what to do. I wanted to storm out, but somehow I knew that that would be considered rude, or worse, me not following Master Yates instructions. For a second I debated on rushing to the washroom, I wasn't scared or upset, as much as I was embarrassed and pissed off. Master Yates had said that I was safe and with family, if he considered this family than I would hate to see what he considers enemies to be.

The bell to the door rung, I turned and watched a gorgeous Indian man walk in. He had long, nearly waist length, pin straight, dark shiny hair, and the most amazing dark brown eyes. They were nearly black and locked on me. I recognized his eyes, I just didn't know if it was from a powwow or a modeling shoot. He was so sexy and yet... so familiar.

He walked up to me and cupped my face. "Are you alright?" he asked in a deep and soothing tone.

I nodded, (I think) but even if I had a voice, I don't think I could have said a word. I was mesmerized by this man. I could hear my own heart beating in my ears, and it wasn't from anger, he excited me. I could only hope that the others thought that my increased heart rate was because of the fight with Janice.

"Can I help you?" Lazlo asked. I tried to look away, but this stranger wouldn't let go of my face.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Without looking, I knew it was Lazlo. Lazlo, slowly repeated, "May I help you?"

The stranger finally broke eye contact with me and looked up at Lazlo, that's when I noticed the difference in his eyes. Not only were they amazingly dark, his pupils were large like Lazlo's. I tried with all my might to turn my head and smell his wrist; I was able to take in some air, and a slight trace of his natural scent. I knew then that I've met or saw him at the powwow, he had the same gamey scent that Ryan had. "No, I was walking by when I witnessed the attack," he replied before looking back at me. "Are you sure you're alright, I wouldn't mind walking you home."

"What you witnessed was a family issue. My friend, I believe you've perceived things wrong. Now, I'm sorry for your confusion, but I think it's best that I close the shop for our family gathering."

The stranger's large, dark eyes narrowed. "Is this your family?" he practically growled.

I grabbed his wrists and pulled my head out of his hands. I tried to say yes, but the only thing that came out was a slight squeak. I nodded and backed into Lazlo. I felt much safer with Lazlo, I may have been attracted to this guy, but I had no idea who or what he was.

Lazlo began messaging my shoulders. "There now sweetie, take your seat and Dietrich will bring you your breakfast."

"She doesn't need food, she needs medical attention," the stranger snarled.

Lazlo turned my body towards the booth and lightly urged me forward. "It's alright sweetie, we'll take care of you."

Roswitha rushed to my side and took my hand, she whispered, "You need to drink, it will help you heal much quicker." I nodded and squeezed her hand. It was my way of saying thank you.

"Wait," the stranger demanded. I stopped and watched him storm up to me. He peeled a flapjack off my back and held it out to me. "This is your choice, is this what you want in a family?" he asked.

The thought of slipping into his mind to confirm where I knew him from presented itself, but I couldn't, I was worried that it would make my mind weak and that others would be able to read me. I nodded and took the flapjack from him. Whether or not I wanted to be a part of the clan was neither here or there. I knew that this guy was lying, he didn't witness the fight by accident, he had to of been watching me or the cafe.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2011 ⏰

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