Chapter Eight

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By the time I left the job, I was nearly at my breaking point. It was as if my nightmare day didn't seem to want to end. I found out that Cheryl was being an ass, my boss makes me throw away hours of work, and over three hundred frames, to have me redo all my work. If that wasn't bad enough, I met a vampire today who tells me I know more vamps then I think, and now I'm heading to the studio nearly three hours late for our afternoon shoot, which leaves Charles holding the bag.

I rushed into the studio; Charles was sitting at the laptop looking through our work from the day before. He looked up and smiled at me. “Bad day?” he asked. I nodded and unpacked my bag, and then put the discs into the envelopes to be processed downstairs. He came over and nearly whispered, “Not that I want to ruffle your feathers, but I did the shoot this afternoon, I didn't know when or even if we had the time to rebook them.”

I smiled and thanked him and then started towards the door. “I'm just running these downstairs, and then we'll go over yesterday frames together, do you have the time or were you planning on a short day?”

He smiled and took the envelope from me. “How about I take this down, I made a pot of tea, why don’t you pour yourself a cup and relax? I’m worried that seeing Brad may cause you more stress, and I would rather the rest of your day be stress free.”

“No, its fine, I hope you don't mind, but Brad will be coming over tonight after we have our dinner. What time should I tell him or would you rather cancel?” I asked. I didn't want to hide anything from him.

He slowly handed me back the envelope and nodded. “I'll make you a tea and do my best not to dig for information, which is very hard to do. I'll make sure that I'm gone by seven, you’re tired and you need your sleep.” His face hardened. “It’s apparent that you need it, possibly you could remind him that you need to have an early night,” he said in a deep demanding tone. 

I nodded and then stopped at the door. I turned and asked, “How did you get the password to the laptop?”

He gave a half smile and replied, “I got it from you.”

I thought about it for a moment and then headed downstairs; I couldn’t recall me telling him the password, I’m not one who gives out their password or any personal information so easily. I jogged down the stairs replaying all our dates and talks we had together. I couldn’t remember a single time where I told him the password. It bothered me because it’s the same password to my father’s security system. I had been thinking about changing the password for Charles, but I only thought of it today when I was driving back to the studio.

I walked into the lab and rang the bell. Brad came out right away, he smiled and of course I smiled back. “Ahh more work, poor Cheryl was getting bored,” he teased.

“Sure she was,” I snickered while handing him the envelope. “I um, I had forgotten that I had plans for dinner with Charles, would you mind coming over at around seven?”

“April, please forgive my selfishness, I can see that you’re exhausted, but I would still love to see you, will you promise to kick me out before I bore you into a coma?”

“I promise,” I replied with light laugh.  I loved how Brad can pull me out of a bad mood.

“Alright, I'll bring something light for desert. We'll have some hot apple cider, since you will have already had your tea, and we’ll spend a short evening talking. I want you to know that I'm an open book, and I'm really hoping that you'll let me in. Ask questions or read away… whatever makes you feel comfortable.”

I could feel the tension float off my shoulders. “I'll see you tonight,” I said with a smile.

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