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It'd been a week since Zayn and Louis broke the news to Niall, and Louis had already moved his clothes and things out.

He planned on going to Liam's tonight, and was going to ask Niall if he wanted to come along, since he'd be spending weekends with Louis soon anyway.

It was currently Friday evening, and for a majority of the week Niall had handled everything pretty well.

But Zayn was worried about tonight.

"Niall, lad, I'm going to my new place tonight. Would you like to come with papa, have some dinner, and sleep in your new bedroom?" Louis asked Niall, who was currently building a Lego town in the living room floor.

"What about my toys and my clothes and my kitty?" He asked, stopping.

"You can bring whatever you want. I'll help you pack. Plus you've got new toys there waiting for you." Louis smiled.

"Really?" Niall asked, his eyes lighting up.

"Of course. I couldn't get you a new toy box and not fill it with toys, now could I?" Louis asked.

"But wait, what's for dinner?" Niall asked, standing up.

"I figured we'd pick it up on the way. Whatever you want." Louis said.

"McDonald's?" Niall asked, watching his papa closely, working it all out like a little businessman.

Zayn smiled from where he stood smoking at the door.

"If that's what you want." Louis nodded.

"I don't have work all weekend either, so we'll have all the time in the world to play video games, and watch movies, and just whatever you want." Louis added.

"Okay." Niall agreed.

"Good. Let's go pack you a bag." Louis said, taking Niall's hand and walking him upstairs.

After Niall was all packed, Zayn struggled to tell him goodbye.

He knelt down to Niall's height, making himself smile at him.

"I'll see you Sunday." He said, kissing Niall's cheek.

"Bye daddy." Niall said, hugging him.

Zayn hugged him back tightly. "Have fun, okay? Call me if you need me." He said to both of them.

"I'll bring him back Sunday around seven." Louis said before he and Niall left.

Zayn closed the door behind them, sighing heavily and wondering what he was going to do without Niall here.


It was 1:05am, and Harry's ACDC ringtone was blaring.

Back in Black.

Harry sat straight up out of a dead sleep, tipping over and falling out of his bed onto the floor.

He grunted, slowly pushing himself up and grabbing his phone off of his nightstand.

"Hello?" Harry asked, wondering who the hell called him this early.

"Will you come sleep with me?" Zayn asked.

Harry blinked a few times, pushing his frizzy curls out of his eyes.

"You mean sex?"

"Say that again." Zayn said quietly.

Harry frowned. "What?"

"Say what you just said again."

"You mean sex?" Harry repeated, wondering why Zayn hummed a bit after he said it.

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