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"What am I going to do?" Louis cried as Zayn came back and found him sitting on the bed.

"You're going to calm down." Zayn said, trying to keep his own thoughts straight.

"I can't calm down! Liam left, Zayn. He's gone back to his hometown and I just....we agreed it was over-"

"Well obviously it isn't. Call him after you've gotten yourself together and tell him the news." Zayn said.

"It's not that easy. None of this is easy, I feel so.....I just can't anymore." Louis continued to cry.

"Listen, Harry and I are always out around the city, I've seen tons of houses for rent, and apartments. First find somewhere to live and get that settled. Then call Liam. Everything's gonna be fine, okay? If...you want I'll keep Niall this weekend. Somehow." Zayn offered.

Louis took in a shaky breath, fighting to calm his nerves. "I don't deserve you."

"What?" Zayn asked.

"You're being so kind to me after all I put you through. I don't deserve your help at all yet you give it to me." Louis said, looking at him.

Zayn shrugged. "Don't worry about it. Just try not to upset yourself anymore. It's not good for the baby."

"Don't think it's even a baby yet, just a spec. A spec that's going to change my life all over again." Louis said quietly, staring off into space.

"What about my job? I can't lose it, I don't know if they'll tolerate me having to take time off in the future because of this." Louis said.

"That's the future. Worry with it when it gets here. For now stay focused." Zayn told him.

Louis nodded. "You're right. I've already found a few places from looking online, I'll make some calls tomorrow and hopefully be moved in somewhere by Monday. Even if I have to use my whole paycheck."

Zayn nodded as well. "If you need anything just call."

"Thank you. I wish I could...repay you somehow-"

"Just take care of yourself and Niall. Be the best father to him that you can be. That's all I want." Zayn said, dismissing the conversation before he left.

Looking at Louis' sad blue eyes wasn't good for him.


"What happened?" Harry asked when Zayn returned.

"Where's Niall?" Zayn asked quietly as he closed the door behind him.

"Taking a bath." Harry replied, watching Zayn closely.

"By himself?" Zayn frowned. "He could drown, Harry-"

"I didn't fill it up that far, Zayn. He's five years old, he'll be fine. Tell me what's going on." Harry said.

Zayn sighed, sending his fingers through his hair. "Louis is pregnant."

Harry covered his mouth, staring at Zayn.

"It's not mine, the one in there bathing by himself is but not this one." Zayn said.

"I-I wasn't thinking it was yours I'm just...a little shocked." Harry said.

"What does this mean? He's not expecting you to do anything about it is he?" Harry asked.

"No, and I'm not. He's just...sort of homeless right now so I think I'll take this weekend off and keep Niall." Zayn said.

"Okay. I mean...are you okay with all of this?" Harry asked.

"It doesn't really concern me. I'm keeping Niall for now and it's not my baby so I'm fine." Zayn said.

Harry stared at him. "You're not fine. I can tell."

"Well, I mean how can I be?" Zayn asked, looking at him.

"My husband is pregnant with another man's baby. A man who just broke up with him and left him. The man who ruined our marriage. This is awful!" Zayn said.

"Ex-husband, babe." Harry said.

"Yeah this is the time to be correcting me!" Zayn snapped. "He isn't my ex-husband yet. We have another court date in two weeks, maybe after that he will be."

"Do you still want full custody and to leave everything behind?" Harry asked.

"At this point more than ever." Zayn admitted.

"But I can't...not let Niall see Louis. He's been in his life all this time."

"Okay, this may sound heartless and possibly offend you, but it's how I feel. Louis isn't a good father, Zayn. Not in my eyes. I know I don't know him, but from what I've seen I don't think he is. To me it seems like he does him more harm than good. I could be a better father to that little boy than he ever could, and I would love to." Harry said.

"I've really started to develop a soft spot for him, and it bothers me when he's upset because of his own father. Plus, with a baby on the way, Louis will have yet another reason to deprive Niall of the parenting he deserves." Harry continued.

"I....I guess what I'm saying is, if you get full custody and want to move I fully support that and will be by your side through everything. The idea of getting a place with you and Niall sounds incredible, Zayn. I care about you both so much."

Zayn smiled. "You know I care about you too. So does Niall."

Harry walked up and gently took Zayn into his arms. "Then what're we waiting for?

"Dunno. Reality, I suppose." Zayn said, glancing at his lips.

"What d'you mean?" Harry asked quietly.

"I need time to think all of this over. It sounds like a great idea to me too but I haven't thought it through yet. I just need time." Zayn explained.

"I understand. Not time away from me though, right?" Harry smiled.

"Never." Zayn said, kissing him.

"Harry! My bubbles are gone!" Niall called.

"After that dinner we had I think you can make some more!" Harry called back, making Niall giggle.

"Gross, Harry." Zayn laughed, pushing him away and going to take care of Niall.

"Hey, I'm going to clean up the kitchen. After that I'm going to shower. Meet me upstairs in the bedroom." Harry winked.

"You think you're getting sex tonight?" Zayn chuckled.

"I was hoping." Harry nodded.

"Well, whenever you finally decide to come into the bedroom we'll see." Zayn smiled in a flirty way, going upstairs.

Harry bit his lip, hurrying off into the kitchen.

A/N: The next chapter will be here very soon, my goal is before the weekend is over. But it won't be another month, I promise. Anywho, question:

-What do you think about the idea of Zayn getting full custody and moving somewhere else with Harry and Niall?
Should Zayn let Louis stay in Niall's life?

P.s.- Louis is not the only one who has the ability to get pregnant, so never fear :) I didn't write this just for Lilo mpreg, c'mon....

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