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"Still awake back there?" Louis smiled, turning and looking at Niall.

"Mhmm." He hummed, his sleepy eyes focused out the window.

He still had traces of chocolate ice cream around his mouth, and was holding tightly onto a new toy gun that he picked out earlier.

The several other toys he chose were sitting next to him across the back seat.

"What d'you want for dinner, lad?" Zayn asked as he drove them home.

"Whatever you guys want." Niall said, making both Zayn and Louis chuckle.

"You guys." Louis mocked quietly.

"You choose." Zayn smiled.

"Pizza." Niall decided.

"What kind of pizza?" Louis asked.

"Extra cheese." Niall said. "Enough to make it look like string."

"Will do." Louis said, deciding to go ahead and call in their order so they could pick it up on the way home.

After they picked up the pizza and got home and ate most of it, Niall eating almost two slices by himself, Zayn and Louis knew it was time.

They let Niall play for a little while before they called him into the living room where they both sat on the couch.

Zayn moved to sit on the coffee table, facing Niall after he climbed up on the couch next to Louis.

"Okay, um, lad there's something we need to tell you." Louis began.

Niall rested his small hands in his lap, looking from Louis to Zayn.

"Papa and I are getting a divorce." Zayn said.

"What kind of horse is that?" Niall asked, tilting his head.

"No, no a divorce." Zayn spoke clearly.

"What's that mean?" Niall asked.

Zayn looked at Louis.

"It um, it means I'm going to live somewhere else and your daddy is going to stay here. You'll see me, and stay with me on the weekends, and during the week you'll stay here with your daddy." Louis explained.

Niall frowned slightly. "Why can't you stay here, papa?"

"Well...because that's just part of a divorce, lad. Things will be better if I move." Louis said.

"How will things be better?" Niall asked, his happy expression long gone now.

Louis looked to Zayn for help.

"Me and papa won't argue anymore, or be loud or scare you, and everything will be okay." Zayn said.

"Why can't you just not argue? Why does papa have to go away?" Niall asked, beginning to cry.

"No, please don't cry, it's alright." Louis said, breaking on the inside.

Zayn swallowed, struggling.

"It's what's best. And it'll be okay, we promise. We're still going to have so much fun, and stay up late, and play. Just...separately." Zayn tried.

"But why?" Niall squeaked.

"We're sorry lad, it's just....what it is. But it'll be okay, don't be sad. We still both love you so much, and we always will." Louis said.

"But why don't you love each other? Like y-you used to?" Niall asked.

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