Chapter 7

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****Hey!! It's the author here! This is the part in the story where we fast forward in life. Chelsea and Levi have graduated college. Yay!! Now let's see how their life is going and what is in store for them!!****

"Alright pick up the pace, guys!" I yelled. I fixed my outfit. I had on a pair of sweatpants, a San Fransisco shirt, and a hat along with my tennis shoes. As the team made their way to me I checked the clock. Almost five, I'm doing good. "Ok, we're gonna do a couple of drills then head to the house." I told them as they sipped on some water. "Chelsea, you're doing good today." Mike, one of the other trainers told me. I nodded and thanked him.

I have been working here for three months and the staff already respects me. I work for a training agency who sent me to San Fransisco to be their trainer. I train baseball players, if you're wondering. Well, for any sport. That means I am with them for every practice, home, and away game. It's a lot of work but it's only me so my schedule is flexible. A twenty two year old athletic trainer, wow.

"Alright, let's hit it!" I yelled. The guys came and got ready for the last few drills. I got out the cones and started to measure with the tape measurer for a perfect square. At the starting cone, an individual player would have to sprint to the top cone, shuffle to the right, back peddle, shuffle to the left, then sprint past me in under twelve seconds. It was a simple drill but they'd just have to get through it pretty quickly. I was here to assist with their practices and assess their physical ability.

After they finished that up, I set the cones up for a T run. "Ok, this is the last one and my favorite, the T run!" I shouted. After setting up the cones, they ran through it. "Bring it in, guys!" I yelled and waited while they made a circle around me. I looked down at my clipboard and read over the results for today.

"Ok, you guys did pretty good. Everyone made it through everything just fine so good job on that. We do not meet tomorrow, the rookies do. So go home and get your rest." I said. They all nodded and mumbled agreements.

"Ok, any questions?" I asked.

"Yeah, what are you doing tonight?!" One of the player shouted and the others agreed. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going home after rookie practice." I said.

"Well, what about tomorrow?" They asked. I rolled my eyes again. "If you mind your own biscuits, life will be just like gravy." I told them. They all laughed. "You and that southern accent, Chelsea. We keep forgetting you're from Mississippi." One of the players said. I chuckled and dismissed the players.

It was five on the dot and I was going to head out and get a little something to eat. "See you seven, Mike!" I called out as I grabbed my bag. He waved and I walked out to the parking lot. I hopped into my truck and drove to a Panera Bread restaurant. I took my food and drove back to the field. It was five thirty now so I had plenty of time to eat and stretch to get ready for the rookies.

After eating, I sat around for a good thirty minutes. I got up and took a lap around the field. Once I made my lap, I grabbed my clipboard to look at the list of rookies. I flipped through the pages and one pitcher caught my eye. Levi Anderson. Never thought I'd hear from him again.

I grabbed a bat and went to the onsite cages. I saw a bucket of softballs and a tee. I wasn't mad, I was just stretching out my body. After a few hits, I checked the clock. It was 6:58, I was right on time. Everyone should be here and ready to start. It didn't take me long to make it back to field to meet the players. When I arrived, Mike was talking to them.

Everyone turned to me as I walked in. I had Mike's bat on my shoulder as I walked. After he finished talking to them, he turned and jogged to me. "Stole my bat again, I see." He said. I smirked. "Yeah, thanks for letting me use it." I said and he smiled. Mike was my best friend here. We did our handshake and he let me go start with the rookies.

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