Chapter 31

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"Ok let's get this game started!" The announcer said into the microphone. I clapped and cheered along with the crowd as the players were called. "And we have Mr. Levi Anderson!" The announcer said after announcing some of the other players. "Go Levi!" I yelled as he ran out.

"Here supporting Levi today is his brother, Jake and his wife, Chelsea!" The announcer said. I looked around.

I spotted Jake making his way to me. I smiled brightly at him. He pointed to the big screen. I looked and saw myself up there. I waved to the camera man and sent a flying kiss. After the players were announced, the game started so I got comfortable. Jake came and sat beside me. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh just here to support the brother." He said with a smirk. I chuckled and watched as the pitcher threw his first pitch. "No seriously." I said.

"Oh, I opened another riding club here in San Fransisco." He said. I nodded. "Congrats, this makes five locations right?" I asked. He nodded. "Sure does and now I have an excuse to come see my nephew very now and then." He said. I smiled. Jake was a nice caring friend of Levi's. I loved their little bromance. It was quite entertaining.

Levi won't admit it but he loves him. They are basically brothers. Levi was up to bat next and was standing in the small practice circle. I just happened to be sitting right there. I pulled out my phone and started to take pictures of him.

It was my turn to bat next. I stepped into the small circle and took some swings. I watched the pitcher's pattern. "Curveball, high, low, and rise." I heard someone mutter. I looked to my left and saw Chelsea sitting with Jake. She was also watching the pitcher. She looked up and smiled at me. Chelsea smirked and started to talk to Jake. From the look in her eye, I could tell she was talking about me.

"I bet Levi.....right now." I heard. I could hear bits and pieces of what she was saying. I shook my head and tried not to focus on her right now. "Levi is so...." she continued. Finally it was my turn to bat.

With two on base and one out, I stepped into the box. The pitcher loaded and I watched as the ball came towards me. It was a curveball that I almost swung at. I saved my self from hitting though. He loaded again and sent the ball in. Just before I could move away, the ball hit me on my arm. It was a walk. I shook my head.

This wasn't the way I wanted to make it on base but hey, I can't help the screw up of the pitcher. My next teammate came up to bat. He hit a double which got me to third with a slide. Only one more good hit would get me home. The next guy that came up was good for hitting home runs. Hopefully, that's what would happen.

It wasn't quite a home run though. It was a triple and a good one at that. As I ran into home I looked over at Chelsea who was cheering for me. I smiled to myself as I walked back to the dugout.

I got ready for the next inning and grabbed my glove.

Inning after inning I watched the game. By the ninth inning I was tired. Hopefully Levi would want to just get something to go instead of cooking.

I sipped on my Gatorade as I waited for Levi to come out of the locker room. Soon I spotted his tall figure making his way to me. I smiled as he got closer. "Hey babe." He said and leaned down to kiss me. "Hey, you did great out there." I said with a huge smile.

"Thank you, baby. You know, I could hear everything you were saying right?" He asked with a small laugh. I shrugged and held onto his hand. Once we made it to his truck, Jake was there waiting along with Shaley and Mike.

I smiled at them. "Hey guys." I said.

"Hey, chickadee. You're getting bigger by the day." Shaley said as she hugged me. Well, it wasn't much of hug because my stomach took up most of the space. "Yeah I know. My doctor says that Matthew could be due any day now." I told her with a smile.

"I can't wait until he gets here so I can spoil him. That is, when Levi doesn't have a hold on him." She said with a laugh. I looked over to Levi and saw him chatting with Mike and Jake. We all left to go and eat. Levi and I went home early because I had a doctor visit tomorrow.

When Levi came to bed he seemed a little extra happy. I looked up from a new drill I was writing and frowned. "You seem happy." I said with a smile.

"Thank you for your observations baby." He said. I chuckled. "Hey, it's uncommon. After a game you usually come home, take a shower, and fall asleep in your recliner. Then I'd have to wake you up but tonight it's different. How come?" I asked.

"Well let's see. We won the game tonight and in a couple of more days our first son will be here. Why not be happy?" He asked with a smile as he got into the bed. I smiled. "I'm excited too." I said. As I said that, Matthew started to kick. I placed a hand on my stomach and smiled. Levi looked over to me from his phone and smiled.

He kissed me. "I love you, you know that?" I asked. He chuckled. "Yeah, I know that. I'd love me too." He said with a smile. I laughed. "Conceited much?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I'm just kidding, I love you too, baby." He said and kissed my nose.

"Well looks like Mr. Matthew will be here in a few days." Dr. Brown said. I smiled at her.

"We are excited." I said with the smile still on my face. She laughed and nodded. "I can tell. Your husband hasn't stopped smiling yet." She said. I looked over at Levi and he was for sure cheesing like a Cheshire Cat. I laughed. "We're just excited for our first son." I said. She chuckled and nodded.

After leaving the appointment, Levi rode with me to work. "I have to go to the restroom first. Then we can go and talk to coach together." I said as we walked in. He nodded and took a seat in a nearby chair. After doing my business and washing my hands I left the restroom. "Ready?" Levi asked. I nodded and grabbed his outstretched hand.

I smiled to some of my coworkers as we made our way to the coach's office. I knocked on the door. When we walked in he smiled at us. Levi and I took a seat in the chairs. "So today will start your maternity leave. I want you to stay healthy and get some rest. Thank you for all that you've done." He said once the meeting was over. I smiled and shook his hand.

It was currently seven and Levi was getting ready to leave. He was getting ready for his workout. Since he was gonna be staying with me some of these days he was gonna miss workouts with the team. So, now he goes everyday. "Why you wanna leave me?" I asked with pouted lips. He came out of the closet dressed in a pair of basketball shorts, a t shirt, hat, and his tennis shoes.

"I'll be back in two hours, baby." He said. I rolled my eyes. "You act like that isn't a whole one hundred twenty minutes." I said and he laughed.

"I will be back baby. I promise." He said and kissed me. I rejected his kiss but he didn't like that. Levi kept peppering kisses on my lips over and over. "You are funny, babe. But count on it, I will be here in two hours tops. I promise." He said. I sighed. "Ok." I said sadly.

"Come on, any other time, you would want me to leave out of your sight quickly. Now you're pouting." He said.

"Hormones?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Let's just go with hormones. I'll see you later baby." He said and kissed me one more time before leaving. Once he left I got settled down on our bed and turned a movie on. Right during the middle of my movie I felt a sharp pain. It went away instantly so I ignored it.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that I felt another one. Then another one ten minutes after that. Ok, please don't tell me what I think it is. I sat up and pulled back the covers.

I walked downstairs to find some juice and to take some pain pills that were prescribed to me. After drinking a little of the juice I opened the pill bottle. The door jingled with keys inside it. Levi walked in and sat his keys on the counter. "Hey baby." He said. I smiled to him.

Right when I was about to take the pill something wet hit the floor. I looked down and there was a puddle by my feet. Levi looked down from the puddle up to me. I looked also. "Now you're a grown woman, and I don't think that's urine." Levi said. I started to roll my eyes but I gasped as another pain emerged.

Then it hit me.

I was in labor.

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