Chapter 7

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Tim POV: 

Faith sleeps on my bus now, not wanting to risk him somehow sneaking in. I haven't been able to sleep at all, my mind racing as she clings onto me. I still don't even know how the hell he got backstage, even a month later. I called Paul and told him to figure out some form of security for her so when I'm on stage she'll be safe. She's not excited about complete strangers constantly following her around, but she knows that it's better for her safety. I won't be able to live with myself if something were to happen to her. 

Faith suddenly gets up, and rushes into the bathroom, before puking. I sit up, before heading into the bathroom after her. I hold her hair back and rub her shoulders, as she hovers over the toilet, debating if she's finished or not. She points blindly to the sink, her hands shaking a bit. 

"Under the counter, theres a pink box..." She says, spitting a bit. I reach under and grab out the pink box, handing it to her, and watching her pull out a pregnancy test. She stands slowly, her legs shaking as if she were a fawn. She stares at me, expecting me to leave the room. 

"I'm going to stay." I say, as she sits down and pees on the stick. She sets it on the counter and then flushes the toilet. She washes her hands, and swishes out her mouth with some water, before staring at the plastic stick on the counter. "You think this is morning sickness?" I ask carefully, as she nods slowly. 

"It feels just like it did last time... like I'm really dizzy and my nose is super sensitive. I just want to check, just in case, you know?" She says, surprisingly calm. I'm freaking out that she's even considering that as a possibility. We've only been on speaking terms this last month... that's after nearly seven years of no contact what-so-ever. She looks down at the test, and loses all expression. I look over her shoulder to see two pink lines growing darker by the moment. 

"Is that a positive?" I ask, wanting to make sure I'm reading it right. She nods slowly, panting a bit, as if she were about to have a panic attack. "Honey, that's amazing..." I say, trying to be supportive so she doesn't become panicked by the results. I wrap my arms around her tightly and kiss her cheek. 

"What about the tour?" She questions, tears emerging in her eyes. She looks horrified. 

"Tour's over in a month. You won't even be showing by then." I reassure her, grabbing onto her shaking hands tightly. 

"What if I can't come to term again? What if I miscarry?" She cries out, breaking my heart. I wipe away her tears and kiss her forehead briefly. 

"We survived through it last time, it wouldn't be the end of the world. Plus, I'll be right here through it all, alright?" I promise her. She nods through her tears, before hugging me tightly. 

"So what now?" She asks sniffling loudly. I laugh, and wipe away her tears, before biting my lip. 

"I guess I better find a ring, right?" I say, watching her laugh and nod, sniffling again. 

"I guess you should." She confirms, pressing her forehead against mine. The idea of settling down with her has me a little giddy. I can picture coffee on the front porch, watching the sun rise, her legs across my lap as she clings to her coffee cup. 

After I'm done with soundcheck, I sneak out for a bit. Today is one of the rare days that my soundcheck is before Faith's, leaving me a little extra time before I have to be back. Paul caught me as I was heading out, borrowing a roadie's car so I can drive out for the day. He sits beside me, completely unaware of my plan as I pull up to a jewelry store. He stares at the sign, before looking over at me with a bit of confusion. 

"What? Do you need a watch or something?" He asks, trying to push the possibility of me buying something for her out of his mind. I shake my head, and get out of the car. He follows me closely as I walk in. 

"Hello! How can I help you?" An old man answers cheerfully from behind the glass display cases. I clasp my hands together and nod, as I look at all the rings lined up. 

"Hi, I'd like to look at some engagement rings." I reply, as Paul suddenly chokes on his own spit. He coughs loudly, causing the old man to stare for a moment, before digging out the rings. I point to a shiny round diamond in the middle, which is surrounded by other diamonds around the side, with a simple white gold band. 

"Okay, when did this happen?" Paul erupts, finally catching his breath after his long coughing fit. 

"Last night." I answer, looking up at the old man. "How much?" I ask, pulling out the ring. He looks at the tag, adjusting his glasses a bit to get a better view. 

"50 k." He announces, expecting me to put it back. 

"I'll take it." I say, digging out my wallet. Paul stares at me, his mouth wide open, as he watches the man take my debit card and swipe, before putting the ring in a black velvet box, and handing it to me. 

"What happened last night?" Paul argues, sounding as if he were about to go insane. I shrug, wanting to keep it private for now. Faith still wants to check with her doctor before getting too excited. I don't care if it's a false positive or not... I realized that she's the one I want. 

"We talked." I lie, taking the box and walking out of the store. Paul jogs after me, getting in the car and staring for a moment as I pull out. 

"What about Curb? Are they okay with you marrying somebody from another label?" He asks, causing me to laugh. I look over at him and roll my eyes. 

"They can't stop me." I argue, as we start driving back to the stadium. "Paul, I love her. I'm really hoping you'll just jump on board instead of trying to convince me not to do it." I respond, watching him deflate. 

"Fine... yeah, sure, whatever." He says under his breath. "She's pregnant isn't she?" He says, laughing a bit as if he were kidding. I freeze, not sure how to respond, and unintentionally answering him. "Shit... She's pregnant? Jesus, Tim." Paul says, covering his eyes. 

"We aren't sure yet, but either way, I still want her. We talked about it, and she's all for it. She's ready to commit, and I am too." I say, pulling into the parking lot and stepping out, pitching the keys to the roadie as we head inside. Faith rushes up to me the second she spots me, and wraps her arms around me. 

"I was looking for you!" She says, smiling like crazy. I laugh, and look at Paul, who looks a bit displeased. She gives me a kiss, and hangs off me a bit, before looking at Paul. "What?" She asks, before looking back at me. "Did you tell?" She interrogates, narrowing her eyes at me with her smile still present. 

"He guessed!" I try to defend myself. She punches my arm, and bites her lip. 

"You are the worst liar." She laughs, looking at Paul. "Doctors appointment tomorrow. We'll know for sure then." She informs him, causing him to cross his arms and huff, before marching away.  

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