Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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P.S. this book started in the middle of Season 4


It's the start of a new beginning for me as I walk through the main doors of my new school. I'm a sophmore here at McKinley High and I want to make an effort to this school. It's the middle of the year so there wouldn't be that much clubs that need members.

I walk up to the board that has all the clubs that need members.

"Football. No. Superhero Club. No. Wizard Club. Definitely not..." I mumble to myself while trying to find the right club to join. After searching for a few minutes, I find the club that has my name written all over it. "The Glee Club. A club where you can sing your heart out and try and win the Nationals trophy. If you would like to join, tryouts are on Friday 3:30pm-5:30pm. Bring your singing voices. From Mr Shuester."

I smile to myself while I write my name on the list. I quickly turn around and I start walking to my next class. Without paying attention to where I'm going, I knock into someone which makes my books slip out of my grip and they land on the floor next to where I fell. The person bends down and helped me up while he grabs all my books.

"Are you alright?" The person said in a masculine voice.

I end up getting a little glimpse of him. He is wearing a leather jacket with a white t-shirt underneath and denim jeans.

"Yeah totally. I'm fine," I finally said. I look up into his eyes and I can see that he is relieved that he didn't hurt me. I look at him weirdly as he bends his head around to look at the glee club sign-up sheet.

He takes a deep breath and says, "Is your name Emily-Grace?"

I smile at him and nod. He smiles back (probably surprised that he got my name right).

"And what's your name?" I question him.

"I'm Jake, Jake Puckerman," he said as he reaches his hand out to me as a sign to give him a hand shake. I reach my hand out and I connect it with his.

"Do you want me to show you what glee club is like?" he asks me and I nod.

As I walk to Glee Club with Jake, I get this weird feeling that I've heard his last name before. I get a bit curious but then I thought that I would probably figure it out later, so I just push the 'Puckerman' thing to the back of my brain.

When we reach the choir room, everyone is staring at I'm some sort of freak or something. Jake kindly guided me to a seat and as I sit down, he runs over to the teacher and he whispers in the teacher's ear. The teacher nods at Jake and he runs back to me.

"What was that about?" I question him. He just ignores me and sits in the chair next to me.

When the bell rang, a girl runs over to Jake and she kisses him on the cheek.

The girl has brown hair and she is wearing a hat.

She looks like she is in a good mood...until she looks at me and realises that I'm sitting next to Jake.

"Who's your new friend, Jake?" She said, wondering who the hell I am.

Great, my first day at this school and I already might have an enemy.


The girl that kissed Jake is actually his girlfriend. Her name is Marley.

Throughout the first ten minutes of Glee Club (or just sitting there waiting for it to start), she continues to hug him, probably making sure that I know that Jake is taken. I roll my eyes when I see her still holding onto Jake's arm.

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