Chapter 36: Back At School

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Emily-Grace Speaks


"Welcome back Emily," Mr Shue said when I enter the choir room.

"Yeah," I said with a smile. "Look everyone, sorry for all the chaos that has happened ever since I came to this school. I'm telling you now that I'll be finishing my senior year in New York. It's a long way away, but I'm just saying that I'll miss you all," I said, not making any eye contact with anyone, especially Jake. Everyone sighs.

"It's okay everyone. It's her choice. She might want to make a fresh start...again," Finn said and I nod. I then sit in the seat next to Unique.

"Okay, we need money for our trip to Nationals which is in...drum roll please," Mr Shue said. We do a drum roll with our hands. "Los Angeles!" He said and everyone cheers.

"When do we leave?" I ask with a smile.


"Wow. I need to start packing," I said accidentally out loud.

"Well, we got you guys the day off so you can pack," Finn said and everyone leaves the room, except me. I walk over to Finn.

"Thanks Finn," I said and I hug him.

"It's okay," he said with a smile.

"Gracie, come on. Puck's waiting for us," Jake said as he re-enters the choir room.

"Bye Finn," I said and I walk over to Jake.

"What was that about?" Jake asks.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thanking him," I said and we walk down the hall with our leave passes in our hands.


"Hey Gracie. Are you taking your togs?" Jake asks as he enters my room.

"Yeah. I might try and swim when I'm over there," I said with a smile.

"And I'll be there to help you," he said with a smile. I continue to pack my clothing into the suitcase. I look up and Puck is there as well.

"What? Is this like a family meeting or something?" I ask.

"No, Ryder's downstairs. He wants to see you," Puck said and he walk downstairs. Puck then runs past me and I run after him.

"Puck! Don't you dare say anything!" I run down the stairs after him. I look at the open door. "Where is he?" I ask. Puck points to the car. Ryder is just sitting there. I nod and I walk out the door. I knock on the window of the car. He smiles at me and unlocks the door.

"Hey," he said with a smile.

"Hey. So, what is it that you needed to say to me so badly that it can't wait until tomorrow?" I ask with a smile.

"I just wanted to ask...I wanted to ask..." I can see something is holding him back. He sighs. "Are we friends?" He said sadly.

"Yeah, sure. You are like one of my best guyfriends," I said and I smile. He fake smiles back. I then hear Puck calling my name. "I gotta go. See you tomorrow," I said as I wave goodbye to him and I run back into the house. "Yes Puck?" I ask.

"What's up with you and that Ryder dude?" He said as he takes a bite out of his sandwich.

"Really? That's why you called me?" I ask with my hands on my hips and he nods. I take a seat on the couch. "I don't know. We kissed a few times, but we don't go out. Now, don't talk about it." I walk into the kitchen.

"Yeah, but you'll have to tell me sooner or later," he said with an evil grin. He walks upstairs.

I yell to him, "No, I won't!"

"Gracie, finish packing!" Jake yells at me. I then remember that we're leaving tomorrow. I run upstairs and into my room. I finish packing my clothes. I look around my room, making sure I'm not forgetting anything. I hear a crash noise. It came from Jake's room. I rush down the hall and into his room. I start to laugh. His suitcase exploded. He is on the floor, covered in clothing. "Hey, it's not funny. Can you help me?" He asks.

"Yep. What did you put in the suitcase?" I ask while I help pick up some clothing.

"I don't want to use too many bags. So, I was trying to stuff everything into this bag," he replied while we picks up a t-shirt. I shake my head.

"Well, you need a suitcase before tomorrow now," I said with a little smile. He frowns back at me.

"Yeah, from who?"

"From Puck. He travels a lot."

"Oh. That's smart," Jake said which makes me giggle.

"Hurry up. We need to be absolutely ready for tomorrow," I said as I leave his room.

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