Chapter 13: A New Change

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I just signed myself up for the Cheerios. After what happened on the weekend, I've changed. I don't want to be the nerdy Puckerman anymore, I want to be a tough and popular Puckerman, like what my brothers used to be.

I walk into the choir room for Glee. Everyone's eyes widen when they see that I've changed.

I'm wearing short shorts, a crop top, converse, and sunglasses. My hair has streaks and is dip-dyed blonde, which went well with my wavy brown hair.

"Is that you, Em?" I look up from my phone to see Ryder.

Honestly, I have no idea why I liked him. Probably from his gorgeous hair, his rocking abs, his sweet heart for caring for anyone and everyone, and...wait, those are good things about him. Oh, well.

"Yep. The one and only ," I said as I sit in a spare seat at the front so everyone can see how I've changed.

"Okay everyone. I have some people to sho- Wait, is that you, Emily? You look...different," Finn said. I nod and I continue to play on my phone.

"Okay. Anyway, I have some people to help us for Nationals. Introducing....Class of 2012!" Mr Shue said as all of the graduated students from last year walk in.

When I see Rachel walk in, I jump out of my chair and I sprint over to her. I then hug her. She responds by hugging me harder. I could tell that she nearly didn't recognise me thanks to the makeover from Michaela and Rose.

"What are you doing here? I thought you have an audition coming up?" I ask.

"Well, when I heard that you go to school here, I wanted to see you. So, I got the auditions moved to next week, so I can spend the week helping you...and everyone else," she said and I run back to my seat.

"Wait. How do you guys know each other?" Mr Shue asks.

"Well, Rachel and Kurt were just hanging out in the coffee shop and I used to serve them coffee. Then, one day, Rachel accidentally bumped me and I spilt iced tea all over myself. She then helped me clean up and we just started talking. When I was all cleaned up, we realised that it was fun talking to each other and we kept in contact. Sometimes, when I was in New York, I would go to NYADA with her to see what it was like. That is where I discovered that I could sing and dance, and sometimes we would just hang out in her apartment with her, and Kurt. Before I left to come here, I met Santana," I said while smiling at Kurt, Santana, and Rachel. They all smile back.

"Well, thanks for the story. Anyway, we are going to buddy two of the graduated students with three of you guys, but one group will just have two," Finn said as he looks at his list. "Okay. Santana and Rachel, you are with Emily-Grace, Michaela, Brittany, and Rose." I jump with glee and I run over to them.

I'm so glad that two amazing vocalists are going to teach us. I'm so happy.

"Mercedes and Quinn, you are with Kitty, Marley, Tina, Sugar, and Unique," Finn said. Kitty had the same reaction that I had when I was in a group with Rachel, except she did that with Quinn.

"I so glad we are paired up again," Kitty said as she hugs Quinn even tighter.

"Group three is Puck and Mike who are with Jake, Ryder, and Joe." Those three walk over to Noah and Mike. Jake high-fives our brother.

Damn it. I wanted to be in that group with Puck. I want to know more about him.

"And the last group is Kurt and I who are with Sam, Artie, and Blaine." Finn then walks over to Kurt and the others walk over to them.

"Okay. These guys...and girls...are going to help you boost your strength levels in your singing abilities. You have to sing a song as a group, counting the graduates at the end of the week," Mr Shue said and then the bell rang.

"Hey, I gotta stop at my locker for a moment. Do you wanna come?" I ask Rachel.

"Sure, and on the way, I can show you my locker," she said and she wraps her arm around my shoulders. We then walk out of the classroom and to my locker. When we get there, she gasps.

"What's wrong?" I said, concerned.

"It's just this locker was my locker," she said. I then smile.

That's such a coincidence that I have the same locker that she had when she was going here.

I open my locker door to find no photos on the door anymore.

Why? Because I took them down before school started.

"Wow. That has got so much decoration on it," Rachel said sarcastically which makes me laugh.

"I know right." I then close my locker door and we then start walking to class.

"Okay. I'll see you later," Rachel said as she walks off. I just wave. I then enter the class and I go to the back of the room where I usually sit.

"What happened to you Gracie?" I turn around to see Jake sitting next to me.

Great. Now my brother is going to talk to me.

"I got a makeover," I said as I pull my phone out of my pocket.

"But this isn't you. You're the sweet one, not one of the horrible ones in the family." I just roll my eyes and I play on my phone. "Honestly, what happened in the weekend?" He asked.

"Like I said before, I got a makeover," I then get my book out and I start to draw random pictures.

"But that-"

Before he can finish, I said, "Look. I can do whatever I want, and not you or anyone else can tell me what to do." I then grab my bag and I sit in a spare seat next to a cheerleader. I then get a guilty feeling, but I just shrug it off. I then talk to the Cheerio next to me.


When the bell rang, I leave class in a rush. I'm in a hurry to meet Santana for some cheerleading lessons for when I try out for the Cheerios. I run into the Auditorium and I see Santana standing onstage.

"Sorry I'm late. The traffic in those hallways are horrible," I said as I place my bag on one of the chairs and I hop on stage.

"I know. Apparently, their stubby legs can't move fast enough. Now, let's start from the top," she said with a smile. I start doing a routine that we created at lunch. I have to do flips and cartwheels and all of the above. When I finish, she said, "That was great. Now, do it one more time."

Oh no. When she says one more time, it usually means I have to do the routine 50 times perfect before I can leave.

A couple of times she joined in with me, but most of the time, I was doing it by myself. After I did this a few times perfectly, I knew that I was going to kill this cheerleading try-out.


"Now remember, finish with a pose. It will symbol that you have finished," Santana said while applying lipstick.

"Okay," I said and I look in the mirror. We then walk out of the bathroom and she guides me to the gym. Once we enter, she whispers 'good luck' in my ear before she leaves. I take a deep breath and I walk to the middle of the gym floor.

"Hi, I'm Emily-Grace Madison, but you can call me Emily," I said with a confident voice.

"Well 'Emily-Grace Madison, but you can call me Emily', show me what you got," Coach Sue Sylvester said. I then start doing the routine that Santana and I practiced 5 minutes ago. I finish it my doing a flip. Sue wasn't even surprised. "How long did it take you to get that routine perfectly?"

"About 10 minutes, but I can learn quicker," I said as I gasp for breath.

She nods, and then yells, "NEXT!" I walk over to my bag which has my water bottle in it. I grab it and I take a drink. When I'm done, I run out of the gym. I then make my way to my next class.

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