Chapter 35: Ryder Speaks

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Ryder Speaks


Jake isn't coming to school today. He's at the Hospital with Puck visiting Em. I'm going to visit after school. Jake is going during school hours because he can't see her after school.

"Hey Ryder. Can we talk?" Marley said.

"Sure. What's up?" I ask.

"Is Emily okay?" She asks.

"Yeah. She's humming to songs. They say that's her way of communicating with us." She stands a bit closer to me.

"Are you guys an item?"

"No, but I love her and I will get her back," I said as I slowly push her away from me. She sighs.

"Why don't you be with me?" She asks with a smile.

"Because I wanted to be with you, but you said no. Now, I know an amazing girl and she's in a coma. Sorry Marley, but I don't love you anymore," I said and I walk off.

I can't believe her.


I walk into Em's Hospital room. I sit in the chair next to her and I grab her hand.

"Hey Em. Jake will be here in about an hour," I said as I stare at her emotionless face. "I wanted to talk to you alone. I just wanted to say that I love you. You're the girl that I've been looking for. You're just incredible. Sure, you have a bad side that you're not afraid to take out, but you choose not to. Well, not all the time,"I said with a laugh. "I also want you to know this. Marley asked me today if we could go out, but I denied her. You know why? Because I love you and only you." Jake then walks in. "Jake? What are you doing here?"

"I didn't need to go after all. I heard what you said to her. I appreciate it," he said with a smile. I turn and I face Em again.

"Please. Wake up," I whisper. I then hear a groan. My eyes widen. I look over at Jake who has wide eyes as well. "Em. If you can hear me, squeeze my hand." I feel a little squeeze on my hand. I smile. "Em?" Her eyes flutter open.

"Ryder? Jake? Puck?" We turn around and we see Puck at the door.

"Welcome back little Puckerman," Puck said and he hugs her.

"Ow," she said.

"Are you okay?" Puck asks.

"Yeah. I think my ribs are bruised. Great. I've got sore ribs again," she said with a smile. Jake has wide eyes still. "Jake? Can you get your Puckerman ass over here and hug me?" She said with a little laugh. Jake snaps out of it and he hugs her.

"I just can't believe you're awake," he said.

"Me neither. How long was I in a coma for?" Em ask.

"About a week and a half," I said. She turns to me and smiles. She then turns back to Jake.

"Ryder, Jake, and the rest of Glee Club, wherever they are, thank you. Thank you for standing up for me."

"Anytime Gracie," Jake said. "Do you want us to get you some ice cream?"

"Of course. That's a stupid question to ask," she said with a smile. I stand up and I start to walk towards the door. "Ryder. Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asks. I turn around and I walk over to her.

"Before you say anything, did you hear what I said before?" I ask.

"Yes. It was sweet. Now, did you hear what I said the other day when I stood up to Justin?" She asks.

"Yes, and as usual, you're sweet," I said which makes her cheeks go red.


"Anytime Em," I said and I kiss her hand. She smiles at me.

"Emily. You're awake," Kelly said and Em nods. "This is great. If you're wondering, you can leave tomorrow, okay sweetie?" Kelly said and she hugs Em.

"Yep," she said with a smile. Kelly waves goodbye to Emily when she leaves the room.

"So, your bruises look better," I said and she looks at her arms.

"Oh yeah. That's great. I can go back to wearing dresses and shorts," she said with a big smile.

"You're just adorable."

"Stop it, Ryder. I'm not. I'm covered in bruises," she said.

"So? I don't care. You're the most beautiful girl in the world. Inside and out."

"You're always so cheesy."

"Isn't that the point?"

"Well, Ryder Lynn, we can't start our relationship again at the moment. You know, after what has happened over the last few months. Besides, I prefer you as my best guy friend."

"Sure. Anything for you," I said with a big, huge smile.

"The ice cream is here!" Puck and Jake walk in with four ice cream sundaes. "Let's start eating," Em said with a laugh.

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