11- Just a Letter

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A/N this chap is mostly taking place in school; enjoy!!~

I heard a chorus of yells run through the house. My eyes flapped open and I took in my surroundings with a gulp. I felt my frozen nose and sniffled. Warm phlegm secreted my throat. My eyes burned.

“Ember!” I heard the same name being bellowed from the house. The mask of night still covered the world. I grinned and stood up wobbly. I held my head and winced.

“I’m h---” I screeched before pausing. My voice was gone. I gulped with worry rushing through me. Why did I have to fall asleep out in the cold? I sighed before entering my room. I closed the balcony door behind me and took in the warmth of the house. I heard another yell from a voice that sounded like Omar’s.

“I’m here…” I whispered. Somehow, I managed to make a sound clearing my throat. Omar emerged from the entrance of my room with a huffy breath. I twitched when I noticed he was in his boxers. My cheeks flushed and I looked away.

“We were looking all over for you!” Omar flustered, shrugging. I opened my mouth and clenched my throat, gesturing to Omar that I couldn’t talk. He rolled him eyes with a grin then walked over to me. He grabbed me into a bear hug and sighed in relief. I was taken aback and my hands couldn’t react. My eyes widened and something inside of me caused me to flinch. Just as my hands reacted, Omar let go and engulfed me with questions. I was still shocked when I opened my mouth.

“I was outside…” I whispered roughly, wincing from the pain. I answered each question with a whisper that caused my throat to bleed.

“Don’t worry Dad, I found her,” Omar rumbled reaching for my hand. My eyes lit up in surprise and next thing I knew I was being pulled down the stairs. I wasn’t able to react verbally, but screamed inside every time I almost tripped on a stair. I sighed when we reached the bottom but Omar cut that sigh short with a squeal. I tottered behind Omar until we reached Sam’s office.

Sam’s eyes showed the surprise on his face. “Ember, where have you been?”

Omar answered for me, “Dad, don’t worry; she was sleeping outside on her balcony…” I looked to Omar and wondered why he said it in a puzzled way.

“I was standing on the balcony…” I spoke my loudest, “and next thing I knew, Omar woke me up…I don’t remember how and why I fell asleep on the balcony.”

“Well, the main thing now is that you’re safe. We thought you ran away,” Sam grinned weakly holding a pen to his chin. I creased my brow and Sam answered me with looking to Omar.

“Why did you think I ran away, Omar?”

“You seemed pretty pissed earlier today; I thought you maybe ran away from home with Trevor…”

“Why does it have to be with Trevor? Why didn’t you think I’d just leave on my own?”

“It’s not like you to live alone. Face it Ember, you cannot last a day on your own.”

“Oh, yeah? Try me.”

“Fine, tonight we’re camping out…IN THE BACKYARD.” I couldn’t help but smirk.

“I actually have the equipment with me in the garage,” Sam beamed standing up from his chair.

“No, no,” I said restraining Sam by the sleeve. I turned to confused and disappointed Omar. “I mean, I feel kinda sick today…” I whispered indicating to my sore throat.

“Fine,” Omar said shrugging. I sighed; I knew I wouldn’t last a day outside. “We’ll just have it on Thursday.”

“B-but, Thursday’s after tomorrow; I won’t be cured by then.”

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