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A young, pink hedgehog was outside. Her emerald green eyes sparkled in the sun's rays, her smile shining even brighter than the sun ever could. It was hot, but there was a little breeze, making her quills rustle slightly. Her gloves had gold rings on them, and her hands were placed on her hips. On top of her head, a red baseball hat sat. Amy Rose was stitched with white thread in cursive on it.

Amy wore her red and white striped baseball outfit along with her red and white baseball shoes. Amy looked at her fellow six-year-old friends, smiling as they all seemed ready. Amy's team consisted of her fellow friends: Shadow, Rouge, Knuckles, Blaze, and Silver.

The other team consisted of Sonic, Tails, Sally, Cream, Charmy, and Cosmo. Since Shadow's team was larger by one, they were the outfield. Knuckles was the pitcher with Silver as the catcher. Shadow sat at first base with Blaze at second and Amy at third. Rouge was the right field and Maria was the umpire since she didn't really care for playing.

First up to bat was Sonic. Knuckles threw a curve ball, and Sonic swung, hitting it as he zoomed around the bases, a home run. Yet, Rouge opened her wings and flew, catching the ball in the air. "Out!" Maria called, and Sonic frowned, heading back to the bench as Rouge gave the ball back to Knuckles. Tails struck out, and Cream got a walk because Knuckles didn't have the heart to get her out. Sally got out at first and they switched.

Sonic was the pitcher with Sally as the catcher. Tails had first base and Charmy had second with Cosmo on third. Cream was the right field.

Shadow was the first up to bat and got a double. Knuckles got a triple, and Shadow slid into home. Rouge got out at first, and Knuckles stole home. Blaze managed to get to first and stole second. Silver got out at first. Amy gripped her bat tightly, Blaze ready to steal third, her team cheering her on.

Amy wished for her hammer instead, but she knew the rules. It was either her bat or she wasn't allowed to play. Sonic narrowed his eyes as he went to pitch, but the ball slipped out of his hands and came top fast for Amy to comprehend.

All she knew was that she was ready to hit the ball one minute, and the next she was on the ground, her vision fuzzy. She heard so many sounds and her head hurt, but mainly her throat. She rubbed where the ball hit, knowing it would bruise. She distantly saw Sonic running off, probably to get some help.

Her ears were ringing, but eventually, her eyes focused. She heard her friends talking all at once, but it was muffled as if they were underwater. She wanted to groan, but she couldn't. Her mouth open, and she tried to, but she didn't feel the usual small vibration that she could when she spoke. She knew she wasn't making any noise, and it scared her.

Tears escaped her eyes. Not out of pain, but out of fear. Why couldn't she speak? What was wrong with her? What if she couldn't speak again.

At the sight of her tear, all of her friends managed to quiet down, them all backing off except for Shadow. Amy understood, though, because Shadow was her only friend to ever see her cry. Amy was tough for a six-year-old. She never cried unless she was either really hurt, or really scared.

Shadow was her closest friend, and he just took her left hand into both of his hands. "It's going to be okay, Rose. Your parents are on their way. You'll be okay, I promise," Shadow's muffled voice told her. All she could do was nod as she tried not to cry. She was going to be okay. Shadow said it was going to be okay, so she was going to be okay. She knew it.

Amy closed her eyes, smiling softly as she drifted off.

When she woke up, blinding white lights welcomed her as she winced. She tried to groan again, but nothing came out. She sat up, noticing she was in a bed. A hospital bed. She heard distinct voices, but couldn't make it out. She tried to call out for her mother, but nothing came out. Tears fell out of her eyes as she breathed in deeply, the only sound was her sharp intake of breath.

Someone came in a few minutes afterwards, her tears already dried and wiped away. It was her mother. A green hedgehog with emerald green eyes. Her father came in after her mother, him being a pink hedgehog with blue eyes. "Hi Pumpkin, how ya feeling?" her father asked her softly kissing her head.

Amy pointed to her throat and opened her mouth then closed it, like a fish begging for air. Her parents eyes saddened. "We know, sweetheart. You . . . You won't be able to speak for a while," her mother spoke softly.

The pink hedgehog looked questioningly at them. Her father released a breath. "You lost your voice, damaged your vocal cords. You can't speak, and trying only makes it worse," her father explained. Amy felt the tears coming, but she pushed them pack. "Don't worry sweeheart, one day, you'll probably be able to speak again. That's what the doctor thinks, anyways. So don't worry, you're going to be fine. You'll just have to be patient," her mother explained.

She wasn't able to move. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish. What was the point? She couldn't speak anymore, she couldn't do much of anything anymore. She was useless. All she could do was stare and stare and stare. She would never be able to speak again. The thought alone killed her.

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