«Chapter Four»

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As the Axis sat around the table with Arthur drinking coffee, Feli brought up a topic that wasn't said yet.

"So, Arthur...what's she like?"

"What's who like?" He asked.

"Your Italian roommate/girlfriend."

Arthur almost (obviously) choked on his coffee and almost spit it out at the word "girlfriend". He knew she was his girlfriend but to have other people say it and talk about it hasn't happened yet.

"W-Well...s-she's g-great..." Arthur cleared his throat. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering~"



"Okay, I'm going to go to the bathroom, you two stay here." You said as you left for the bathroom.

"Okay~ hmhm" Francis winked, making you blush.

Once you were out of sight, Alfred leaned over to Francis.

"Okay, so so far, we know that (your initial) stands for '(y/n)'."

"Right, and they've been together for about two years...poor girl."

"But we still don't know why he's been hiding this.."



"I really should get going now, (y/n)'s texting saying that we have guests and I should come home and say 'hi'." Arthur said.

"Vell we should get going, it's almost dark." Ludwig said.

"Yeah, and you don't want to drive then. It's dangerous." Kiku said.

"Yeah, speaking of which, would one of you please drive me home? I took the bus earlier." Arthur said.

"Ve~ I'll drive!" Feli offered.

"NO!" They said in sync.

"Vell, I'll drive, it's safer for all of vus." Ludwig said.

"Alright then, thank you." Arthur said.


"Well," You started."I just texted Arthur and he should be on his way right now."

"Cool beans." Alfred said. "Can I ask a personal question, (y/n)?"

"Um...sure." You said.

"Have you and Arthur ever...you know..."

You blushed. Hard.

"U-um...heh...heh...once?" You said.

"WOAH REALLY DUDETTE?!?" Alfred asked.


"Nice" Francis commented.

Then a car pulled into the small driveway.

"Oh! Looks like Arthur's here!" You rang.

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