«Chapter Six»

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You were worried that Arthur would flip out too much and upset his friends but it seemed that the more he did freak out on them, they just smiled. Why was that?

"Listen here, Frenchie-" Arthur began as he trailed off, rambling at Francis.

You stood there watching it go down as Feli, Ludwig, and Kiku approached you.

"He sure does get upset easily.." Kiku said as he smiled.

"Yeah...I'm sorry about that..." You apologized.

"Don't be sorry, you're just not used to it. He's normally like this." Kiku reassured.

"R-Really? Dio mio..." You said back.

"Oh yeah! You made him the biscotti earlier, right?!?" Feli asked.


"And you're Italian?"


"I am too! Ha Arthur sa più oltre a "ti amo"?" He asked.

You smiled, someone who speaks Italian too should be nice!

" Mmm ... non proprio. Ho cercato di insegnare lui, ma non abbiamo mai ottenere il tempo per farlo."

"Ho potuto fare qualche volta!"

"Che dolce!"

"Alright, let's stop. Ve have a bigger problem than teaching him Italian." Ludwig said.

"You know Italian too??" You asked.

"Vell, Ja. Vhen you live with someone who does, you get used to it." He replied.

"Cool! But yeah, we do." You said back.

You looked over to your boyfriend and Francis in an argument. Matthew was holding Francis back and Alfred was holding Arthur back so they wouldn't throw punches at each other. All three of them (besides Arthur) seemed to be smiling. It was strange. I wonder why...

You walked over to the bunch and watched for a second before standing in between the two men.

"(Y/n), what are you doing? I'm trying to-" Arthur said before he was cut off.

"Why, hello mom chèri~" Francis said, winking.

"The hell did you just call her?" Arthur snapped.

"Francis," You turned to him, "could I see you alone for a bit?" You winked.

You turned towards the hallway and starting walking, Francis following. Arthur seemed to be really pissed now but he couldn't do anything, Matthew and Alfred were holding him.

"Take your bloody arms off of me!" He yelled.

"Why should we do that, eh?" Matthew asked.

"Because that French pervert is going to try something on her!"

"Don't you have a little faith in the two of them?" Alfred asked.

"(Y/n), maybe. Francis? No way in hell."


You closed the door, locking it from the inside.

"Alright, let's talk." You said.

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