Chapter 1

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It was like any other day. I walked outside smelling the Liverpool air. I ran down the sidewalk early in the morning in my track suit: light blue track shorts and a light green running top. I got to the corner of Johnson and 15th Street and stopped. I put my hands behind my head to take a breather.

Suddenly, there was a strange whirring sound. I looked all around, but didn't hear anything. Then, there was a beeping. I was spinning rapidly trying to find the sources of the sounds. I finally found the beeping, but not until it bit me. It was a small robotic mosquito. It bit my hand and sucked some of the blood out of it. "OW!" I smacked at it and it flew off.

I just stared at my hand. A hundred thoughts ran through my mind. What just happened? Am I going to die? Did it poison me or just take my blood? What's it going to do with my blood?! Am I going to be cloned? Am I-

My thoughts were interrupted when my feet were no longer on the ground. The wind was blowing through my hair as whoever was carrying me took off running. I snapped out of the quick shock and looked at who was now carrying me.

It was a man. He was about twenty-something, making him probably only two or three years older than me. He had floppy brown hair that was being pushed back by the wind and olive eyes. He looked down at me. "Hello!"

"Uh, hi? Why are you carrying me?"

"Because that little robotic mosquito bit you and you'll be out any second now."

"Excuse me?"

"I couldn't have you passing out in the middle of the street!" he said. He smiled then looked back ahead of him.

"But how know...w-what's going on?" I said, my words beginning to slur as I started going in and out of consciousness.

"I'll explain when you wake up."

"Wait, I..." I drifted off.

When I woke up, my head was on a pillow, or at least something soft. I opened my eyes to see that same strange man hovering over me. "What's your name?" he asked.


"Nice to meet you, Ashling!" I started to get up, but my head spun. I slowly lied back down. "You're going to want to take it easy right now. Your body's trying to cope with what the robosquito injected into you."

"The what did what?"

"The robotic mosquito injected some of my blood into you."

"And that's bad how? I know that different blood types don't mix well, but my blood is the majority. Shouldn't it just get rid of the other blood?"

"Well, sort of and sometimes. But my blood is not normal blood."


"Take a look around you." I slowly lifted myself up to rest on my elbows. I looked around. The whole place was very futuristic and science-y. It was amazing!

"Where am I? Who are you? What are you?!"

"You're in the TARDIS. I'm the Doctor. I'm the last of the time lords."

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