Chapter 12

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Hiiiiii how yah doing I hope every one is doing better than me so let's start


"I have notice that Jessica has been silent this whole month she as usually be at list commenting or giving her opinion but she hasn't"

Sunny thought to her self while sitting next to jessica in the train with the girls.

"I'm so nervous I feel like dying today just because one of my supposed friends of mine from middle school we did this bet to see which group wins"


"Hey Jess did you here about the smtown auditions" Kayla said

"Oh yeah I heard of it if course" Jessica

"Want to join my group we just need one more member" Kayla said

"Ahh I can't" Jessica

"So what you doing talking to this whore" edalis said while she was walking towards us

" you know something Jess we never where friends we where just using you" Kayla

"Yup even we where the ones that made the rumors up of you sleeping with one of our teacher" edalis

" I thought we where friends what happens to that" Jessica with tears starting to stream down my chicks

"Opps that never existed love" Kayla said while getting closer to jessica

"So for this what you call me for" Jessica with watery eyes

No Slut" Edalis said while taking a knife out of her coat packet.

"And stop crying and let's make a bet if our group wins your going to be our slave for the rest of your life and you would anything we said to you if you obey us your playing with your moms life"Kayla said while graving Jessica from her hair

" Okay Okay but please don't do anything to my mom I would do the bet please" Jessica said while crying

Kayla pull Jessica's hair even harder this time and throw her in the ground and left her there

"Why life needs to be so difficult" Jessica said while sobing in the ground

End of flashback

"I'm such a pabo for accepting I hope the girls haven't noticed I'm down this days" Jessica thought to her self while one tear scape her eyes.


"OMO is jessica crying what is wrong with her" I thought to myself

I got up from

My seat and sat on top of sunny

"Jess are you okay love"

Jessica turns around whipping her cheek

"Ahh yeah I'm okay I just had something on my eyed" Jessica said

Oh okay then I when back to my seat

Next Stop 34st they announced in the train

"That's our stop" scream sunny

"Yess it is" minah said

"Are you girls ready to kick some ass"Nana said

"Yes sir" we all said in unison and started Laughing

We got of the train and start speed walking to the stairs

"Oh my to many people" Jessica said

"Yeah you right but let's run for our lives cause we don't want to be late "minah

We started running

"Wait....for... me guys remember I have short legs" Sanny said while breathing heavily

"Hurry up we don't want to be late" nana yelling thru out the crowd

"I'm running as fast as I can" Sanny said

Going up the stairs speed walking

"Oh my we are already here how yah feeling"Lilly ask to us

I will say I'm excited"Ariel

"Suprize with all the people"Kim

"Where is auntie Jackie"

"I'm nervous"Tiffany

"We going to win this"sunny

"Bitches going to know us"Jessica

"Our oppas are going to be there no need to be nervous girls"minah

"Do we have to talk korean" Sanny said and the girls turn to her while they expression look like this ( ̄ー ̄)

"What did I said something that bad" Sanny

I think I'm still not sure but duh if we win we are going to be in Korea so yeah we should talk in korean." Kim Facepalm.....


Heyyaaaaa guys OMO is having a while since I haven't updated of course just because of school -__- to much work but at least I'm updating I know is short please don't kill me...... what you think is going to happen next and who is the unknown judge well stay tune to find out Saranghe Much much love to everyone that is reading this..... ☺️

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