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Cas finally wiped away the last tear from his eye at around midnight. Dean and Sam were already tucked deeply into their beds. Dean in his boxers and Sam in his jeans.

Cas didn't know if the Winchester boys knew he watched them sometimes while they slept. He didn't do it to be 'creepy' or 'strange' he did it because he rebelled for them, he might as well make sure they were okay while they laid down to rest.

Sometimes he felt strange, and would look away. Or stand in the corner and only glance at them.

Would Dean get mad at me if he knew I watched him sleep?

Cas thought. He knew Sam wouldn't, Sam never really cared what Cas was doing. As long as he wasn't naked, Cas could watch when ever he wanted. Dean however, really enjoyed his 'personal space'. With that in mind, Cas took a step back. Then he walked forward, and stood next to the bed were Dean's head was facing. He knelt down and made sure not to touch him. He gently placed his finger on the mattress to stable his balance.

Dean suddenly stirred.He rolled his shoulder a little and blinked his eyes open ever so slightly.

Cas held his breath, even though he knew Dean couldn't hear or see him.

Dean chuckled ever so slightly as he breathed out.

"Cas? Is that you..?"

Dean whispered, a smile on his face. Cas held very still.

"I can tell you're here. You can watch me all you want, but personal space, buddy."
Dean said before letting out a small sigh from his parted lips.

"Goodnight, Cas."

Dean let his eyes fall closed and Cas waited until he was sure he was fast asleep again to stand up.

Goodnight Dean.

Cas thought. He glanced at Sam to make sure he was asleep and fine also. He was. Cas poofed out of the motel room.


"Do I get a badge?"

"No, Cas."

Dean said, pulling into yet another crime scene. Same thing. A family, murdered by an unknowing father.

"Why not?"


Dean shifted the gear into park.

"You're staying in the car."

Dean looked back at Cas in the back seat.

"But stay here."

He pointed at him with his finger.

"No poofing out."
"Can I please sit in the front then?"


Sam and Dean said at the same time as they opened their doors and climbed out. Cas sighed and leaned back in his seat.

"Why can't I poof out? They won't notice if I make it quick."

Cas poofed away, out of the car, and ended up inside the upstairs bathroom of the house where the murder took place.

"If Sam and Dean can't investigate."
He fazed into invisibility.

Than I will.

He marched around the bathroom. Blood stained the sink.

The man must have washed his hands here after the killing.

He left the bathroom and walked down the hall. Two cops were coming out of the far back bedroom. Cas decided that was where to go next. He swooshed past the cops. He watched one shiver.

"Did you feel that?"

"No. C'mon let's just finish this up already. It's making me sick."

The two cops finished there work and left the room. Leaving Cas alone to investigate. He turned his head up slightly and looked up. He sniffed the air, and looked directly at the window. He walked over to it. There was something on the glass and the windowsill. Cas stuck his finger in it and brought it to his nose.


He thought.

I need to get back to-

"Cas? Cas!"

Cas could hear Dean yelling out to him. He was out too long. He poofed back to Dean's Impala as fast as he could. Which was a matter of milliseconds.

"Dammit, Cas! Where were you? I told you not to leave!"

"I'm sorry, Dean. I was investigating."
"Oh? And what if someone saw you?"

Dean grumbled.

"I was invisible. All they could do is feel me."

"So what did you find?"
Sam asked, buckling his seat belt.



Sam took a note.

"Yeah. In the windowsill in the big back bedroom. It must have been the wife's murder."


Dean pulled out of the parked state and started to drive down the road.

"Where to now?"

Cas asked.

"Interrogate the fathers."
"But they didn't do it. Did they?"

Cas asked.

"I found the sulfur."

"Yeah it wasn't them. But we still have questions to ask."

Sam answered. He could feel Dean's anger rising.


Sam whispered.

"Calm down."

He reached over and gripped Dean's shoulder. Dean glanced at Sam and nodded before looking back at the road. He sighed.

"You're upset, Dean?"

"No, Cas. I'm fine."

Dean turned up the radio. Drowning out the sound of Castiel sighing. Dean took a breath and sang along to the music. Cas smiled a little. He didn't like or understand music very well, at least not what Dean listened to, but he liked it when Dean sang along.

He didn't know the words, but he caught on to the chorus and shouted along with Dean. He looked back and smiled at Cas. Sam joined in too. They were all shouting along to Back In Black.  

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