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Cas slowly sat up, so he wouldn't wake Dean with his movements.

"Please keep your voice down, Dean is asleep."

"Why were you...Cuddling with him?"

"I was cold."

Cas stated as he stood up, and rubbed the wrinkles from his clothes.

"So? Cas, that's gay you know. If he would have woken up and seen you, he would have been pissed."

Cas shook his head.

"I asked for approval first. He said I could do it."

"He...he did?"



Sam smiled at Cas gently.

"Well. I'm heading to bed too and sense you...you don't sleep, and i'm sure you're warm now. Mind warming me up? I'm only sleeping in this, so.."

He gestured to his naked top and covered bottom.

"I'll probably get cold."
"But your body heat, won't it warm you?"

Sam laughed a little.

"Well, it can a little. But I'd rather have some help. C'mon, you did it with Dean."

Cas nodded slowly.


Sam shut off the lights and crawled into the second bed. He waited for Cas to crawl in next to him before pulling a cover over him. Cas walked over and slid in next to him. Sam wrapped his arms around Cas and let his body sink into the bed. He was tired and warm. Cas liked it even though he wasn't cold anymore. Sam pulled the blanket up over top of them.

It was silent in the room for a long time. And then Sam spoke up, making Cas jump. Even though it was only a whisper.

"What were you saying to Dean, Cas? Before I came out."

"Oh... Nothing important."

And he fell back asleep.


Cas had gotten up sometime during the night and was standing in the corner when Dean woke up first.


He groaned sleepily.

"Yes, Dean?"

"Why are you standing over there?"

Dean sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

"I do not sleep."

"Last night you were cold. Why did you get up? Get too hot?"

Dean stood and yawned, stretched his arms up.

"No. Sam wanted me to warm him."

"He did, did he?"


Dean huffed a little.

"Alright well. I'm gonna get cleaned up."


Dean stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Oh and, Cas?"


Cas looked up. He had walked over to the table and had started getting out pie for Sam and Dean.

"There isn't anything wrong with you."

Cas blushed.

"And I want to hear what you 'think' you are. Okay?"

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