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"And what would you like, sir?"

The waitress smiled as she held the pen to the pad of paper. She looked at Cas and waited.

"Um. A whole apple pie, please."
"That's all?"

She giggled.

"Well. Every man needs a nice pie under their belt!"

She scribbled something down on the paper pad and smiled again before walking off.

"That pie's gonna cost us a nice penny."

"No it won't."

Cas corrected Sam.

"I'm buying it. My money. You and Dean don't worry. My treat."
Sam smiled.

"Thanks, Cas."
"How did you get money, Cas?"

Dean asked.

"I have some saved, from when I was Steve."


"Anytime you want pie I will buy the pie, Dean."
Cas said, very seriously. Dean chuckled.

"Alright Cas. No need to get too serious over it."
Cas smiled.

"Right. Sorry."

The waitress brought Sam's salad and Dean's burger and Cas' pie. Cas didn't touch it though, he waiting until Sam and Dean ate their food and he handed Dean the pie.

"I can't eat this whole thing myself, Cas."

"Share it with Sam."
"Don't you, want any?"
"Food to me tastes like metal. I don't have human taste buds anymore."


Dean looked down at the pie and his smile fumbled.
"Are you sad, Dean?"


He looked back up and smiled again, shaking his head.

"No. No, well yeah."

"Why? I'll eat the pie! I will."

He reached out for it and Dean grabbed his hand.

"It's fine. Look, i'm sad that you can't taste the beauty of the apple pie. I don't want you to eat it if it isn't good."


Cas nodded and pulled his hand away.

"Share it with Sam and save it, okay Dean?"

"Yeah. Here, Sam."

Dean took one of the pre-cut slices and handed it to Sam.


They ate their pie and Cas sat silently.


"Wait wait wait. Turn that up."

Sam said. Dean turned up the radio.

"What is it Sam?"

"Shhh sh sh..."
Sam held up his finger.

"This is the second disappearance this week. The bodies have not been found."
The lady on the radio sang.

"Two missing people?"

Dean asked.

"What about it?"

"It could be vampires. They keep the bodies."

"Yeah, maybe."
"We should check it out."

Cas said from the back.

"Alright. Tomorrow. I'm too tired."

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