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Frisk POV:

I felt the cold hard floor of Judgement Hall as my body was being slammed into the tile. It took me a few minutes to get over the agonizing pain I felt in my head. That was when I heard Chara speak. "What are you doing here.?"

It took me a minute to process what Chara was saying to me. "What?" Was all I could say before being harshly kicked in the side.

"You know exactly what I mean Frisk. Why are you here in the underground? You could've easily left a long time ago but no you've spent 8 years in this place. What are you trying to prove?" Chara spoke, I could tell he was getting impatient.

"I'm not trying to prove anything!" I yelled at Chara. Big mistake. He kicked me right in side making me slide deeper into Judgment Hall, crawling away when Chara started walking closer.

"Don't raise your voice at me Frisk! I'm much more superior to you. Don't think you can get cocky with me." Chara shouted as I still tried to crawl away.

"I've seen the things you two have done!" Chara continued to shout. "And now his beast wriggles and grows inside of you." At this point I stopped. I was understanding Chara until he said that. What beast was inside of me? In my confusion of trying to think of what he could've meant I stopped trying to crawl away from Chara and I was caught off guard when Chara jumped, straddling me with his legs around my torso keeping me from being able to kick up as he used one hand to grab both my wrist. It was then I noticed the tint of silver as Chara pulled out his steak knife. It was now I actually noticed my own fear quickly growing.

"No!" I screamed. I realizing what Chara was going to do I start to cry, even thrash around. I felt my warm hot sticky tears as they poured out of my eyes. "Sans!" I started to scream.

"But nobody came!" Chara started giggling like a madman, black goo started dripping out from his eyes falling down on to my face. He raised his knife high. "It's time to cut it out of you." He chuckled. Just before he was about to bring the knife down he heard a noise in the back. I thought maybe someone heard my pleas - or maybe it was Sans himself. But my hope came crashing to an end when I realized who my savior was. Jerry. Chara must of thought this was the funnest joke he'd ever seen. The black goo dripping from his eyes seem to act like tears. I thought this was my only chance to get away as he wasn't paying attention. I shoved him off of my torso and slammed him into the ground, I quickly got up and tried to run but I only made it so far before I felt cold metal graze my leg and I fell down watching the knife that hit me fall next to me.''                                                                               

I looked up to see Chara. He was far from pleased now. I looked up at him in fear as I saw he was holding Jerry in his left hand - Jerry of course not realizing the situation kept asking for the wifi password.

"So you want to play dirty I guess? Then we can play. I know something that will be worse than just killing you." He smirked. Walking over to pick up his knife, tattered with fresh blood. My blood. He licked off the blood slowly making sure I was watching. I never wanted to throw up as much as right then. Jerry was most likely making things worse for himself, the last thing he asked for was a ride home right before Chara took the knife from his mouth and suddenly stabbed Jerry repeatedly. During this time I tried to crawl away but it was useless. Chara noticed what I was trying to do.

"We're not done here yet Frisk." He laughed maniacally, picking up Jerry's soul as he proceeded to walk towards me. He grabbed me by the hair and started yanking me through Judgment Hall into King Asgores empty throne room - not internally empty as King Asgore lay on his flower garden, knocked out from what I assumed was Chara's doing. I felt blood trickle from my skull as Chara threw me against the barrier that was keeping all of us trapped down here, even him. He started walking towards me laughing.

"Do you know what it feels like to lose everything and everyone you ever loved? To never see anyone again." Chara voice was lowering in pitch with every word.

"Do you know how that feels Frisk?" His voice was so deep and loud it seemed to shake the room around us. I whimpered trying to move away from him but it was no use for my back was already pushed up against the barrier. He didn't give much time to answer and grabbed me by my hair again and yanked me to his face.

"Do you!" He screamed again.

"No!" I screamed. "I don't know what it feels like!" He pulled me again our faces inches from touching. The black goo started to ooze out of his eyes again.

"Well, you're about to find out." He whispered. He slammed my body into the barrier once more my back hitting it first then my head. He came up to me again and grabbed me by my neck and said "Don't you dare think about coming back to the underground." He paused. "I'll kill everything you ever loved or cared about. Starting with your friends, then I'll go on to Sans. But maybe he should be alive. After all Daddy would want to see baby's biggest moment." I spat on Chara.

"What the hell are you talking about!" I screamed. He must of been feeling generous because he didn't hit me after he cleaned his face of spit.

"If you even set one single foot into the underground I'll kill the damn hybrid that grows inside of you." That's when it dawned on me. Something I thought would never happened, had happened.

"I'm... I'm pregnant?" I whispered to myself.

"Remember Frisk. Don't. Come. Back." With each word his grip on my throat got tighter. Once he was done talking he grabbed what was left of Jerry's soul, as it was slowly fading away from not having a vessel to sustain his soul, or what was left it. "I'll make sure to take care of your friends. Especially Sans." He giggled. It was on of the last thing he said to me as he shoved what was left of Jerry's souls into my hands and shoved me through the barrier. "Bye bye Frisky dear!" He shouted. Everything went black from there.

: Time Skip :

I opened my eyes to see a familiar sunset I haven't seen in 8 years. I fell down when I was 10 and spent my teen years in the underground surround by friends and a family I didn't have here. I'm now 18, and on that I'm going to be a mother to the baby of my beloved skeleton. I made a promise to myself that day. I won't let anyone hurt my baby. If I couldn't have a great life here then I was damn sure my baby would get what I couldn't. It would be best if he doesn't know about the underground. Sans included. My world may be the underground but my baby's will be above it. I would do anything for my child. That was a promise.  

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