Chapter Two: Lost

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Frisk had been waiting outside of their home waiting for her son to be done getting ready. Cyrus ran out of the house with his new necklace around his neck.

"I'm ready!" He giggled at his mother. Frisk smiled at his sweet baby boys cheerful laugh.

"Do you have any ideas? I'm all all out of them." - Nadean

Frisk took Cyrus's hand and began to walk towards the direction of his school glancing at her son every now and then only seeing his face grow brighter each time. Soon when Cyrus saw the top of his school he began bolting towards it.
"Cyrus be careful!" Frisk called out to her son, as she speed walked along to try and catch up to him. Cyrus started to run into the forest that separated him and from his school, not noticing the long path and going off course.

"Cyrus!" Frisk's speed walking turned into a full blown run as she run after her son, losing him in the thick brush of the forest. Holding her face, tears started to trickle down. Letting out a scream at the slow realization she had lost her baby boy.


Cyrus had run far into the thick forest, long from the path to his school, and long from his mother. He whipped around with a smile on his face, thinking he'd see his mother right behind. His small smile faded when he realized she wasn't there. He started looking around him. He couldn't see the top his school anymore. Panic started to set in as he realized he was all alone. Clutching the new blue heart necklace his mother gave him. He let out a shaky breath before walking slowly, unknowingly deeper into the forest.

"Mother! Mommy?" Cyrus cried out. He looked down to his skeletal hands to see the necklace glowing. He stopped walking when he saw it was glowing. He looked up to see a tall mountain. His necklace heart started pulsing when his eyes fell upon the sharp point in the sky.

"Do I need to go there?" He asked, his lips slightly quivering. He wanted his mother, to just run the opposite way. The mountain was calling him, and he didn't know what to call the feeling that grew in his chest. With his bone structured hands still clutching the blue heart necklace, he slowly walked towards the mountain. Slowly walking past a sign far overrun by weeds and vines, so much your eyes could overlook it if you didn't look hard enough.

That sign that said.

"Beware Mt. Ebott."


Cyrus walked on, his small legs aching, still clutching the necklace his mother had given to him. He kept his head down, as he walked on. It wasn't until he felt his necklace start to pulse with such a force that he looked up to see he had nearly could've fallen into a hole. Letting out a small gasp he got on all fours and slowly crawled to the giant hole, peaking his head just slightly over the edge. The pit seemed to go on forever. It was now he remembered the story his mother had told him that exact morning.

"Monsters who lived underground, and that the only entrance was at the top of a mountain." He whispered to no one in particular. A rush of cold air leaked out of the giant black pit, hitting Cyrus in the face making his snow white hair flip in front of his face. To him, he could only describe it as magical. Looking down once again he saw his necklace start to glow on and off.

"Should I go down?" He seemingly asked his necklace, cupping it with his skeletal hands. With his last sentence it stopped glowing and pulsing all together. Taking that as a yes, Cyrus took in a deep breath of air before standing up and holding his boney hands to his chest. Looking back into the forest, then looking back down the big hole.

It was then.

He Jumped.


Hey guys! This is Nadean talking. We are really super sorry about how long it takes us to update, we really have no excuse expect laziness. But since Kylie and I are having trouble coming up with ideas we just kinda have to come up with things on the spot which is kind of hard, but I rushed and thought of most this update in one day, all while trying to edit a video. So I hope you guys are understanding and enjoy this update, I'm sorry it's really short.  Please bare with us! Until the next update!~


Nadean <3

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