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I kissed Blake on his cheek and bid my goodbye. His blue eyes assessed me once more. Was he checking me out? Of course he was, I changed. Blake never dated, he's been single throughout his entire life, not once did he have a girlfriend or a boy toy. He assured me he wasn't gay, he just never felt the need for any sort of romantic relationship.

I waved as he drove off, I spent the entire day with him at Nonny's. I checked the time on my phone and cursed myself when I noticed that it was already 7:48 pm.

I was supposed to go over to Kenna, but it was not too late. He was up till after midnight yesterday, so he'd surely be up.

I steered away from my block and went straight to his, a man with greasy brown hair sat at the desk. He had freckles over his forehead, he was young. I cleared my throat and tapped my fingers on the mahogany desk.

"Miss," he hissed and rubbed his temples. "Its open."

I huffed, he was a dick. I leaned forward and spoke really loud, "Which room belongs to Mackenna Saint?"

He groaned and inched away from me, he had dark circles under his eyes. "He's in the first room on your left, Miss."

I smiled, pleased with myself. This guy reeked of alcohol and smoke, he was obviously suffering from a hangover. I walked over to the elevator and pushed the button.

I pushed it again.

And again.

The elevator opened with a screech, I peeked inside and saw brown stains on the floor. Rust on the railings, I decided to take the stairs. I wasn't going to ride in that thing, I watched too many horror movies and prank videos. I didn't need some kid crawling out of the shaft and scaring me, I can't go to jail for child abuse.

As I was climbing the stairs, I realized that I didn't know which floor he was on. Then that night flashed in my mind, he was opposite me. We had the same floor number.

I opened up my texts and went to Kenna's name.

Ruby: Hey, I'm almost at your door.

His reply came on instant, does this man ever close his social media apps?

Kenna: It's open, tho. You don't mind talking over texts, right?

Ruby: It's fine

I reached the floor number he was on and came out, then stood before the elevator and turned to my left. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open up.

Ruby, you stupid idiot! He's deaf.

I slapped my forehead and scowled, asking myself 'what the fuck, dude?'

I opened the door a little and peeked inside. Kenna was once again on his balcony with his guitar in hand, playing songs. Full on songs, it amazed me at how good he was.

I placed my bag on the coffee table and slowly walked towards him. I didn't understand how he knew what he was playing, deaf indicates that you can't hear, right?

I sent him a text, You sound good.

He stopped playing and looked down to the vibrating phone on his lap, he placed his elbow on the guitar and read the text. When he did read it, he stiffened.

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