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"Tristen for love of God, please can you hurry up!" Michael yelled from my living room.

Rolling my eyes, I quickly finished applying my makeup before taking one last glance in the mirror. "You're Evelyn Fitzgerald." I muttered and then headed into the next room.

They all shot up once I made my entrance. "Finally oh my gosh, I thought we took long to get ready."

"If you want me to look the part you need to be patient. Perfection cannot be rushed." I remarked. "Now how do I look?"

The boys hadn't even taken the time to look at what I was wearing, as soon as I brought it to their attention their jaws dropped and neither could tear their gazes from my direction. "Okay I asked a simple question. Should I change?"

"No, no, no." They all chorused.

"You look great, beautiful even." Luke said.

"He's right Tristen, this is all you." Ashton added.

I was speechless to say the least, it had been a while since I had felt like that. Felt beautiful, my cheeks started to flush and I knew that if I didn't find a way out of this encounter I would start crying. "You guys are so sweet. You all look very handsome tonight, I love the bow ties."

Michael offered me his arm and without hesitation I took it. "This way, my lady." He lead me to the car which was surrounded by men dressed in all black, as soon as they spotted us one of them opened the back ready for us to enter. He beckoned me to enter first and I tried my best to find a position which didn't mess up my dress.

They all climbed in after me and sat in their usual seats. After buckling we instantly took off towards the event. "Oh my gosh, I'm so excited I'm sweating. I can't wait to see the place, Brian and I took a lot of time putting up those posters."

"Tris- I mean Evelyn everything is going to be fine." Michael said as he checked his phone. "Calum just texted me he should be arriving at the event in 5 minutes."

"Ugh now I'm sweating even more."

"You're fine, Evelyn. You're fine. I promise, you just need to get through tonight and then you can go on your way."

I couldn't help but pout, I had gotten used to these boys, gotten used to them arriving at my house at the early hours of the morning to discuss plans which would eventually turn into some kind of game. They were my friends, even if they didn't feel the same I considered them my friends.

"Yeah, that's great." I said.

"There he is." Luke pointed him out as the car came to a halt. "You get to meet our partners tonight."

"Are they already here?"

"No, we're going to get them now. So we'll meet you back in a bit yeah?"

Rolling my eyes I nodded. "Fine. But hurry, I might need you to save me again."

"I doubt it, you were great at dinner-"

The door to car flew open revealing the gorgeous and immaculate Calum Hood. "Is everything okay here?"

"We were just on our way to pick up the girls, Evelyn was leaving right?"

I frowned at him. "Yeah, yeah I was."

Calum chuckled slightly, holding his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it as I made my way out of the car. Before the door could close I turned to poke my tongue out at them, letting them know I was not happy with this current situation. Then I came to my senses I was at an expensive and elegant event that I wouldn't have seen myself at a week ago, I had to take advantage of this situation.

"Ready Evelyn?" Calum questioned knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Definitely Calum." And then we were off. He didn't stop to talk to those that were waving at him or the paparazzi that were eager for photos. He just smiled his Calum Hood smile and continued to guide us inside.


"I'm more of a tequila girl but thank you." I grinned, reaching for a glass on one of the trays.

"I'm so intrigued by you, Evelyn."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Is that a good thing?"

"Hm, indeed."

We stood in silence as we drank our drinks; allowing me to observe the inside of the hall. It was beautiful, fancy chandeliers hung from the ceiling as well as other extravagant decorations. Around the hall were the posters Brian and I had designed and spent the rest of day putting up. Although I was under the alias of Evelyn Fitzgerald it was still my work that was on those walls, my work for everyone to see.

"Oh your bow tie, like the boys. Was that planned?" Like the others he was dressed in a black suit with a green bow tie, Luke wore blue, Ashton wore yellow and Michael wore red.

"Yeah, it's a bit stupid." He said bowing his head to check it out.

"No, no. I love it. It's adorable."

The band at the front of the hall were starting to get ready to play, Luke's face lit up as he reached for my hand and started to lead us to the front. "I love music. When I heard about your plan to help young people who were interested in becoming musicians, I was immediately interested. If only things like this were around when we were trying to get our band on the go."

"You were in a band? No way, what did you play?"

"For like 5 seconds and bass. We thought it would've been a good idea in high school Michael, Ashton, Luke and me." He chuckled as she reached for another drink. "Sometimes I wish I back there playing my bass, singing and writing songs."

"You sing? You have show me sometime, please." I begged. "And the bass? Such an underrated instrument."

"I completely agree." He grinned. "Come on let's dance." He grabbed my drink and placed it on the table beside us, next thing I know we're in the middle of the hall slow dancing to the beautiful music that was being played as guests arrived. I then remembered my promise to myself, that I would tell him about who I really am.

But we were so invested in this moment I couldn't ruin it. One night wouldn't kill him. I'd have to tell him tomorrow.

I need your opinions guys, should I continue? I'm enjoying writing it but are you enjoying reading it. Please let me know. ♡

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