part 18

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---Mikey's POV---

"I'm sure he won't be like Gerard...y'know...with the memory loss and all that, he's probably just extremely banged up" Ray tried to reassure me.

Even after Bob and Ray's attempts, I still couldn't shake this feeling that Frank's injuries weren't going to be all that simple.

I grabbed my wallet and my phone, I wanted to see him alone first.

"Are you sure you guys don't mind?" I asked Ray and Bob, who were casually sitting on the couch.

Ray nodded, Bob "mhmm"' 'd so I headed out the front door, grabbing my car keys off the side table as I did so.

The car ride to the hospital was a stressful one, It was like I had this sudden paranoia of avoiding hitting someone, and everywhere I looked I saw Frank. Every pedestrian, every driver in the vehicles that passed me, I was having a slight freak out if you wanted to put it that way.

When I finally pulled up in the hospital parking lot after fifteen minutes of driving, my nerves calmed down slightly, but my hands were still shaking as I walked into the foyer and waited at the reception desk.

"How may I assist you?" the receptionist smiled sweetly.'

"Umm I got a call about Frank Iero, I'm here to see him" I said to her.

"Okay, friend or relative?"  she asked, typing something rapidly on the computer in front of her.

"Relative" I lied. I knew they wouldn't let me see him if I said friend.

"Okay then, name sir?"

"Mikey, Mikey Way" I replied calmly.

She nodded and checked one last thing on the computer.

"He's in intensive care, B wing, I'll escort you if you'd like"

"I'd appreciate it" I smiled half-heartedly, following in pursuit behind her as she walked down the corridor towards the intensive care unit.

"We're here, just to your right, he's in the bed closest to the window" she pointed, leaving me to stare blankly at the bright blue "B" that was above the entrance to the room.

Here goes nothing.

I walked slowly down to the bed that she had pointed out.

And that was the first time I had seen Frank in a long long time.

"Frank?" I whispered, not too lound to wake anyone else in the room, but loud enough for him to hear it.

He stirred and looked blankly at me once he opened his eyes.

"Who are you?" he mumbled.

Oh God.

It didn't even look like Frank anymore.

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