Chapter twenty-six: The key

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"I must be honest here, I have no idea what the map says." Lenard yawned from his short sleep. It's four in the morning as I glanced at my watch necklace. Inside the cabin were the four of us staring at the large map on the table. With my fire floating on top of my hand, I could see the icons, lines, and sketches regarding the different lands across the world, but I had to make sure that I wouldn't lose my balance as I do it.

I could see Quarte's shape. I learned just now that my homeland was one of the biggest parts of Everlos region until the Devastrigon (or the Triada Katastrefo, I could get used to that too) destroyed half of the northern area.

"There it is." Chloriette pointed at a small drawing of an island. "This could be Mt. Impyerno." The island was located at the rear end of the map. In the background way too close to Mt. Impyerno were sea monsters. Most importantly, there were obstacles that we need to go through before heading to the island. Johnwolph also told us that although the miniature image of the island was put at the end, its location was still unknown. That means the island might not even be in this world.

A wish is a wish, that's how Genie used his powers to absorb knowledge before giving it to Mr. Aisle McKenzie. Maybe these obstacles were the way to getting to the island. Or better yet, a bunch of trials before facing the true danger. That sounded way too simple, but it won't be, for sure. "Even though the Genie didn't know where the island was, he still knew the direction on how to get there," I said. "See these lands? They could be it. We have to go to the first before proceeding to the next one."

"My brain will explode," Victor frowned. "I don't find this exciting."

"You'll change your mind." We heard a voice behind us. We turned around to see Claes enter the room. "Going in the first location before the next will be quite challenging. The reason why we have to do that is that the direction towards Mt. Impyerno is like a straight line, we can't go in any of the other islands because the first island is the gateway to the next one." There was a long pause before Victor scratched his head. "What . . . ?" he asked.

"It's like the Games of legends," Lenard said, "We have to pass the first game before proceeding to the next one unless you lost."

"So, there will be- what? A challenge or something?" I shrugged.

"Could be," he replied. "What's on the map?"

Chloriette slid her fingers on the image as she recited the names. "What we have here are four lands before heading to Mt. Impyerno. First, we go to the Island of Glass, second is the World of Battleships, third is the Shallow maze, and finally, before Mt. Impyerno, is the Field of Zescield." 

"Curious," I said. "How do we get to the next portal after the previous?" I looked at everyone, hoping someone has the answer to get to our destination. 

"According to what Johnwolph had remembered," Claes said, "There was this key, it has something to do with the opening and closing the doors of death where the dragon came out. If we manage to find it, that door must be closed."

"Or by simply trying to defeat it as he said." Sean yawned the loudest.

"All right!" Victor surprisingly beamed despite what he said before. "First stop, the Island of Glass!" and we set sail towards the southeast (according to the map), ready for what is about to come.


Are you ready to join them in their quest? You better? What am I even saying? Oh well. It may take a while to reach Mt. Impyerno, but they're Flash warriors, they got this.  

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