~Chapter 1~

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*8 years later*


Airports smell of lemon Pine-Sol mixed with food and plastic. I seriously hated that smell. That was San Francisco for you though.

People continued to wait for their bags as they had just departed the plane and were probably anxious to meet their loved ones or do whatever it is they were here to do. I was tempted to buy a one-way ticket to wherever just to get the hell out of the baggage claim area. I bent my head down and played games on my phone just to pass the time. I got so into the game, I completely forgot that my Uncle James, who really wasn't my uncle, and his fiancé were standing right next to me, gleaming like headlights.

"Alan," his voice boomed. I damn near jumped out of my seat.

Shit, I had lost the game.

"I just want to say thank you for coming with us to welcome in my sister. She's been waiting ages to come see us, and she finally had the time to visit," he informed. I nodded silently and grinned. It's not that I wanted to come. I just wanted something to eat since they hadn't shopped for more groceries yet.

You see, "Uncle" James was really just my father's partner at the law-firm they opened and, ultimately, his best friend. When I was fourteen, my mother retired and relocated the family to Connecticut where I lived for four years until I got accepted to University of California-Berkely. Since it was decided that my family had to pay the full tuition and room/board, I'd decided to take my mother's advice and live with the family friend to cut cost. Efficient? Yes. A commute? Hell yeah.

I watched as numerous people walked by with their suitcases with speed. I watched the people hovering over the baggage claim with the same intensity in their eyes as a sniper on a mission. For some reason, they all looked funny to me.

Uncle James was the funniest. He was a big, burly man that could be a part of a jumpsuit fan club, should there ever be one, judging by how many he owned. Today, he wore his "special occasion" one which was a blue velour-ish kind of material that was embroidered with his initials "JG." He had ivory skin that would turn red any time he experienced any type of extreme emotion. His eyes were droopy, but smiled with optimism. That's the person he was.

His fiancé was the opposite. She was blonde, young, and had a tongue that could whip a mile a minute. We all knew why she was there, but we kept our mouths shut for the sake of Uncle James and what he thought was "love."

Sitting there was making my ass hurt, so I decided to walk around and find a bathroom. I didn't really need to go, I just couldn't stand the fact that him and his bimbo were making faces at each other and talking to each other like they were some damn puppies. Disgusting.

I walked into the bathroom, forced myself to piss, and walked over to the sink to wash my hands. I looked in the mirror at what I was.

My hair was in my face again. I needed a hair cut.

When I walked back out towards the floor, I saw in the distance a figure with short black hair hugging both Uncle James and Barbie. They all smiled and laughed and hugged more than anyone's comfort level. That's just how Estella was.

I walked over to where they were having their family reunion. Once Estella saw me, her hazel eyes lit up.

"Alan, my God!" she exclaimed, "You're all grown up. You're so handsome!" I was never good with compliments, so I just chuckled and accepted her hug.

Out of all the people within that family, Estella was my favorite. We met for the first time when she used to visit her family who lived next to me when I was little. She would come over and talk with my mother and father, then she would sneak me money and treats without my strict parents knowing.

She had gotten older in the past four years we hadn't seen each other. There were wrinkles around her almond shaped eyes, and she had gained weight. Her hair had gotten more silver which she always told me she hated but "what happens, happens," she would say. Her bubbly nature was still there but she looked tired.

She let go of the embrace and looked me over once more, "It's truly so nice to see you again," and I know that was laced with sincerity and other words she couldn't say. I understood. That night changed everything.

"Ah!" she pouted, "Where is that girl?"


I looked to my Uncle with confusion. He looked nervous.

What the hell was going on?

"She should have been here by now! I told her just to get us coffee and be right down before our bags disappear," Estella told. James quickly put his hand on his sister's shoulder and began leading her away from us and towards the conveyor belt.

"She'll be down, Stella. Just be patient," he almost whispered.

"Wait, who?" I questioned. They both turned around. Uncle James looked as if he were about to run. Estella just gave a small smile.

"My granddaughter." she said.

My body felt it before my brain processed it. There was a fire starting at my toes until it finally reached my chest. Was I getting red? Because I had definitely felt I was getting red.

Her granddaughter?

That meant...

"Naomi" I growled when I saw her approaching.

"Oh! There you are," Estella said.

"Welcome!" Uncle Jim greeted.

And then her brown eyes fell on me.

And she stopped smiling and moving.

Fuck. Was all I could think.

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