Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my sisters name being called, I was starting to get irratated of hearing my mother's voice. "Mia get up" I yelled walking into my sisters room she was a rough sleeper and it was pretty hard to wake up. She fell out the bed and glared at me I chuckled leaving her room and making my way to the bathroom to get ready for school.

After doing my usual morning routine of taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and brushing my wavy dark brown hair I stopped to look at my skinny scrawny body and started to cry. "Leah come on the bus is going to be here soon" Mia called for me, oh right school. I quickly wiped my eyes and got dressed I put on black skinny jeans, a navy blue shirt and vans. I then walked downstairs.

I avoided acknowledging my mother its not like she ever payed attention to me anyway, well no one did actually. If they did they were just saying rude and nasty comments to make me feel worse then I already do. But I was glad to have my sister who no matter how bad our arguments were she was also there for me, and I had my bestfriend aka my only friend Jade. Jade and I met in kindergarden when everything was great for me, but even at my worst she never left and was always there for me and I would hate to loose her.

"Hey people" my sister yelled walking into the kitchen. Only she could be this happy on a rainy Monday morning but she had every reason to. She had everything going for her she was smart, beautiful, plenty of friends pretty much the whole school adored her, she also had a mother that cared. My mother gave her a hug and a kiss. I never knew what I did to have my mother treat me like I don't exist. I bet your wondering where pur father was but he died in a car accident when I was only three. But my mother loves my sister to death, is there really not enough of my mothers love for me? Well Mia is the oldest, only by one year though. I put my ipod on shuffle and sat at the table lifeless, "aren't you gonna eat Leah" my sister asked me I just looked at her. "You need to eat" she told me passing me an apple. I took it and went to get my jacket and bookbag then put on my black beanie, I quickly left my house.

I let the cool fall air and light rain drops hit me it was pretty chilly since we lived in Maine but I don't mind. I slowly walked to the bus stop I had plenty of time. About ten minutes after arriving at the bus stop I saw my sister coming towards me. "Eat your apple, your a dancer, you need energy" she told me, "I do have energy" I said runing in a small circle. "Whatever look the bus is here" she said stepping back so she wouldn't be hit. I walked into the bus walking towards where Jade and I usually sat. I sat down next to her and handed her the apple after my sister walked by to her group of friends in the back. "Thanks are you sure you don't want it?" Jade asked "yea i'm sure" she was always hungry the exact oppisite of me and breakfast wasn't my favorite meal of the day. The bus ride was slow since it was raining but that was better then being in school, to me anything was better than being at school. About 20 minutes later the school bus pulled up to Greenwhich high school. I said goodbye to Jade and walked to my locker since ours weren't in the same area.

The day went by slowly but the end of the day came and I had to go to dance practice which was in school. We practiced the same routine over and over again since the show was on Friday. Those were the shows my mother never went to, but she attended everyone of my sisters soccer games. I tried to shake the  thoughts from my head before the tears could escape my eyes.  I'd much rather have an emotional break down in the comfort of my room.

After the hour of dance practice I went outside to the soccer field to watch my sister and bestfriend practice soccer for Saturday's game.They were almost finished since clubs and sports ended around the same time. "Hey Mia are you walking with us?" I asked my sister, "No i'm going to the movies with Jason today" she responded "ooh cuffin?". She laughed and shook her head no then mumbled "not yet". Jade rolled her eyes in disgust, she and my sister didn't get along come to think of it, they couldn't stand each other. They had a competion over who would be the soccer captian for our schools team, Jade got that postion.

It was stupid to me but thats them.

Jade and I were soon on our way home, we had to walk because their was no school bus for the children who stayed after school for whatever reason they had. It was quiet for a while but I liked it, we both did. "How is your dance class?" Jade asked disrupting the silence "its good I like this weeks routine", "You better you created it" she chuckled practicing her kicks "are you coming to the show Friday?" I asked her "I wouldn't miss it" she said smiling she accidently kicked the ball into the woods "i'm gonna get that" she ran away before I could say anything. If it were up to me I would have let it roll away. Then their was the screech...the screech that changed my life.

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