Just Thinking

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I know this is a published story already, but I wanted to put my marcurio oneshot in this book. So, if you've read Just Thinking already, it's because you read the separate book for memes_love_poptarts skyrim fanfic contest. Let the soft fluff begin!
The night sky was a beautiful inky black, broken only by the stars. The air was still, and very cold, even for nord standards. I look back to my sleeping lover. His body just barely covered by the sheepskin blanket. His skin glistens in the dim candlelight.
I start to think. How could someone like him love me.

*Flashback 2 years earlier*

"Hello, how would you like to join me on my adventures throughout skyrim?" I asked an imperial man sitting in the Bee and Barb.
It was my first time in skyrim, my first time away from Cyrodill. I was an imperial myself. I had beautiful golden skin, stunning grey eyes, and whirly curly raven black hair.
"For 500 gold, you've got yourself a deal," the man said," with me by your side, we'll be the best adventurers in all of Tamriel!"
"Ok," I said while handing him a bag of gold," let's get started."

*End of Flashback*

After staring at my lover for sometime, I realized I was crying. Several tears fell off of my nose, and onto my hands. I silently tiptoed over to my side of the bed, and sat down. His breathing was even and slow. He looked relaxed, and very peaceful, I didn't want to wake him.
I looked at him, and more tears fell, and one fell on his cheek. I quietly got up, and before I left the room, I felt a strong hand grab my shoulder.
I turned around, and faced my lover. His midnight black hair, and icy blue eyes, everything about him was just so beautiful.
"Why are you crying?" He asked, while taking his thumb and wiping my tears away.
"I was just thinking." I whispered, then started crying even harder.
"Thinking about what?" He asked.
"Why do you love me?" I asked.
"I love you because of who you are as a person. You are beautiful, and very kind. You have stunning grey eyes, and you have the biggest heart I've ever seen in a person." He whispered.
Our foreheads were touching, and our lips barely brushed against each other. Before I could say anything, he kissed me. It was full of passion. His lips were baby soft.
His hands ran up and down my sides, as he pushed me up against the wall.
"So, I was just thinking." He whispered.
"I love you."

memes_love_poptarts inspired me to write this X reader. He has some good stories. Check them out!

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