Teldryn SeroXReader (1)

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"Well," you said out loud to yourself," this is a long way from home."
It was your first time away from home. Being a(n) Y/R, you had never left your homeland.
Strolling down the dusty path,  you stopped at an odd looking building. Reaching out, you placed   your hand on the wooden door. Pushing it open, you slowly walked into to tavern.
You glanced around the room, in front of you was a long staircase, to your left, several barrels and stacked boxes. To your right, there was a man. He wore strange yellowish armor, and a mask.
You walked his way, and stopped about a foot in front of him.  He stood up, and crossed his arms.
"Can I help you?" He asked, in a nasally voice.
"Yeah, would you show me around, I'm new to the-"
"No," he interrupted," I will not be your chauffeur."
"And why not?" You asked, aggravation clearly filled your voice.
"Because I don't like Y/R!" The man stated.
"Please!" You begged.
He thought about it for a few seconds before letting out a long groan.
"I guess!"
----------time skip----------

"Teldryn!" You suddenly cried out as the sword pierced your side.
You fell to the ground, gripping your side. The last thing you remember is your trusted follower rushing to your injured body.

You woke up, pain surging through your body. You sat up, breath shaky and head aching. You brought your hand up to your forehead, wiping sweat off of your face.
You shakily pushed yourself off of the soft cowhide blanket, and stood up. You looked around the room, spying a few empty health potions.  Taking a wobbly step forward, you fell. Expecting to fall and hit the floor, instead, a strong pair of arms caught you.
Looking up, you discovered that you weren't alone in your house.
"You need to sit and rest Y/N." Teldryn demanded.
"What happened?" You asked quietly, while picking yourself up and sitting on the bed.
"Several ash spawn appeared out of nowhere, and attacked you." Teldryn said.
You glanced down at you stomach, and noticed several long and ugly gashes running down your body.
"Teldryn," you moaned," these are going to turn into ugly scars." You muttered quietly, tracing the longest gash with your index finger.
"Y/N, you're going to be alright." Teldryn whispered while he helped you lay back down.
"Teldryn," you said quietly," Lets go on an adventure."
"So I put my armor back on. I don't want to see these ugly scars."
"We're not going anywhere until you're better."

This is going to be published in parts.

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