Chapter 3 pt.2

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"I think I had left my blouse in side here, I guess not" my mom told me
I nodded.

I am so glad she didn't find out. she would kill me yeah Ik I'm 16 but, she doesn't  want me to make the same mistake as her , when she got pregnant at 16,But I wonder were Jaime went.
I'll text him tomorrow
With that I went to my bed and drifted to sleep.

For some odd reason I keep hearing a door open. I decided to investigate, I slowly get out of my bed just In case there's someone under neath my bed, and walk to were ever the noise is coming from. It's coming from the bathroom.
I slowly open the door to find.

"Jaime!" I whispered quitely not to wake up my mom.
He looked so confused.
"What are you doing here, I thought you had left?" I asked very curiously
" oh I noticed your mom was approaching your closet, so I noticed your bathroom door was open,so I hid here until you came and tell me I could come out" he told me taking a break for breath.

"Oh God , You kinda need to leave it's really late now!" I told him.
"Yeah I know" he signed
"And I'm sorry for th.."he cut me off to say
"It's okay I had fun" he said with the cutest smile ever, God I love those dimples.

I then walked him out quitely out of my house.
"I guess this is a good bye" I told Jaime
"I just hope not forever" he told me
Oh god I swear this kid is gonna be the death of me.
He was walking away when.
"Wait Jaime!" I ran as fast as I can.
He turned around curiously but confused.
"You forgot something!" And with that we kissed. I could feel sparks from every angle, he started to hold me tight like if there was no tomorrow , he makes me feel special.
And with that we said our good byes.
I went to my bed and fell asleep for the second and last time today.

*next day*

Today I had woken up a bit earlier then usual because I wanted to go to the gym with  Ariel ,and tell her everything about last night. I went to my closet and put on my gym cloth🔽

 I went to my closet and put on my gym cloth🔽

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*At the gym with Ariel*

"Girl I can't believe everything your telling me  !" She said with excitement.
"Ik, but you tell me know"
"About what?" She looked confused.
"You know, Eric!"
"Oh about that, we.....we"
"We what" I was so anxious.
"We had sex!"
"What, he took your virginity away!"
She nodded.
"You don't even know him that well why would you do that ARIEL!"
"Idk... And scence then he wasn't talked to me or nothing, I really don't know why?" She started to cry balls.
"It's okay we're going to figure this out Ariel, don't worry, But i need you to take a pregnancy test just to make sure every thing is okay.!"
She nodded.
I then took her home, I waited until she had fallen asleep to go back home.
I couldn't stop thinking about Jaime he's just uhhhh..... Perfect.
I wonder when will we see each other again.

Jamie's POV//

I can't stop thinking about jess she's just uhhh..... Beautiful, amazing, wonderful, Just perfect.
I wonder what she's doing.

What you doing later?

From: Jessica;)
Nothing, why?

To: Jessica;)
I wanted to take you out, maybe dinner?!

From: Jessica;)
I'd like that, and is it like a date?;)

To: Jessica;)
Yeah I guess:) see you at 7:00p.m

Mean while I decided to go hang out with my boy Zabdiel and Eric.
"Que vola" I tould them
"Nada aqui, talking about life and what we would  do if we win la Banda" Zabdiel responded.
"Well I got a date with Jessica today!" I told them
"Oh that's great, some distraction is good" Zabdiel tould me.
I nodded.
That's weird because Eric is always happy and amused to see me. Oh well whatever is going on Ik he'll pass it.

I went back to my room to start getting ready to go on the date scence it was already 6:00.
I went to my closet and picked out🔽

I went to my closet and picked out🔽

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Jessica's POV//

I decided to start getting ready  I went to my closet and picked out🔽

I decided to start getting ready  I went to my closet and picked out🔽

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I really hope the night turns out right.
I then got a message from Jaime.
I'm here.
I went down stairs and opened the door, it was so dark I couldn't see him any where so I texted him.
Where are you?
I then flash my phone to give me so light. He gets out of his car.
"Your  night awaights" he said while opening the car door for me.
The car ride was pretty quit besides the part when he put one of my favorite song, needed me I was jamming to it the whole time.
We arrived to the restaurant, she looked neat, we found a sit and started to order me suprisingly liked the same food spaghetti and meat balls.

" Jessica, I honestly really like you, And I'd really like you to be my girlfriend?" Jaime told me.
I finished swallowing my meatball before I answered.
"Yes, Jaime I'd love to!"
We finished our foods before we left.
When we were leaving i feel his hands reach to mine, and off course I let it be.
*at my house door*
"I had a lovely night" I told Jaime
"Me to" he replied while smiling.
Before going inside I gave Jaime a kiss, I felt like kissing him for hours but I couldn't.

I was so tired I went  straight to my bed, and to sleep.

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