Chapter 5

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It was Joel, my ex.

"How did you get inside?" I asked

"You gave me a spare key Remember?!so that I can come at night and sneak in when your mom was asleep!"

''Oh, yeah I forgot!"

I guess I'm gonna have to call a locksmith and change the keys.

"Jess please forgive me!!i miss you!" He scram at me.

I took a deep breath. "No Joel, I have some one in my life now.!"

"Oh how fast you forgot about me! You little hoe" he said while trying to choke me.

I Tried to push him of me but he was to strong.
He finally released me from his grip.

I thought I was gonna faint, I sit down on my stairs.

"Why would you do this, Joel!" I spoke while still trying to catch my breath.

"I want you to understand this, I'm gonna be the only man in your life, and when I find that boyfriend of yours I'm gonna kill him!" He then left.

I started to cry balls.I never thought Joel can get that aggressive, he was always that sweet guy, why can't he just move on.

I then feel asleep on my own tears.

*next morning
Today I woke up steal remembering about everything that happened last night.

I then stood up off my bed to got to my closet I put on 🔽

I then stood up off my bed to got to my closet I put on 🔽

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I kept on remembering about last night. I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks.

*knock, knock*

I go down stairs, and open the door it's Ariel.
I give her a big hug.

"Stop crying,just tell me What happened, was it Joel?"

I nodded.

"What did he do this time!"

I hold my tears. And tried to respond.

"He came in my house and tried killing me!"

Her jaw dropped.

"Why? He was never like this!"

"Ik that's what we thought"
She just hugged me.

"Forget about that, tell me about the results!" I asked her, with excitement.

"I'm not pregnant!"

"Then what the heck did you have because you were very sick!" I asked her at this point I was very curious.

"Oh I had a reaction to the popcorn we ate that night before having sex, but I'm getting better, the doctor recommended some pills."

"This is great Ariel, but promise me that you will start taking more care of yourself!" I tould her in a serious tone.

She nodded .

Ariel than gave me a hug and left.

Jaimes. POV//

I miss jess so much, I dont want to be seperated from her. she makes me feel good, I just cant explain what i feel when im with her.

i just need to see her, I left my house and decided to go to Jessica's.

I knock on her door 2 times before she came out.

"Hey, beautiful" I smiled at her.

"Hey, what brings you around" she asked with her cute smile.

"What...,can't a good boyfriend just bring his girlfriend, popcorn to watch a movie with?!" I smirked at her.

She nodded while quitly giggling, she lead me inside to her room.

''so what movie do you wanna watch?''I asked her.

''idk, how about FROZEN!''


{20 mins in the movie

''let it go.......let it go.....cant hold it back anymore....let it go'' jess sang.

god, shes so cute, the way she sings the way she is.

she turned around and layed on top off my shoulder.

we then fell asleep, to wake up to a seems to be a knock.

she quickly woke up and told me to hid because it probably was her mom.

well there goes the closet again.

Jessica's Pov//

I hear a knock on the door, and quickly tell Jaime to hid. I'm guessing its my mom scence she didn't come home last night.

I open the door to see Joel. omg im gonna have a heart attack.

'' Missed me princess'' He told me, in a very sexual voice.

''Leave, Plus my boyfriends hear!'' i yelled at him.

''oh so your pretty boy is hear?! I'd really like to meat him''he said, getting really serious.

he then ran upstairs, and straight to the closet its like he was hear he whole time.

Jaime came out. ''Who are you'' Jaime asked Joel so confused.

''NO more like what are you doing hear with my ex!'' he yelled at Jaime.

''Well, i'm hear beacuse im her boyfriend, And we were sleeping untill you had to wake us up!!'' Jaime yelled back at Joel.

Joel then pushed Jaime against the closet, Jaime then punched Joel, just to make him bleed.

''Guys STOP'' i yelled at both of them

''understand this the only reason that im not beating you up rn is because i have a lot of respect for Jessica, And i seriously do not want you in my girlfriend life,you come close to her agian and ill beat you up.'' Jaime said.

that really scared Joel off. he ran out of my house.

all the words Jaime said, really got to me, im glad Jaime defended me like this, i feel like hes the perfect one.

''thank you jaime''i said while hugging him.

''hes not going to bother you ever again, i promise.'' we both smiled at each other.

i then headed him out off my house. i gave him a quick kiss before going back up stairs to my room.

i started thinking to my self,maybe its time i told my mom i had a boyfriend im sure shes going to be very supportive. so that is exactly what im going to do.

*one the phone with mom

jessica- hey mom

mrs.hill- hey sweet heart is eveything okay.

jessica- yeah, when are you coming home?

mrs.hills- sweet heart you know i work late today.

jessica- i know mom im sorry for calling. i love you

mrs.hills- i love you to

well there goes my plans of telling my mom about Jaime today.

i guess ill just tell her tommoroooow. i started to yun, didnt realize what time it was. i decided to go to sleep with the thought of Jaime.


guys im so sorry if this chapter was a bit confusing but i promise chapter is going to be great!!

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