Chapter 3

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Stefanie's POV

The next day I woke up, got dressed and went downstairs getting myself a blood bag before sitting on the couch and drinking it when both of my brothers entered the room sitting on the couch opposite me, both of them had a serious look on their face.

"Listen we need to explain to you exactly why we called you here" Damon said

"Okay explain" I said to them curious as what they were going to say

"Well there are a few reasons we called you here, one of those reasons is that we missed you a lot" Stefan said with a small smile

"but we also called you here because we need your help, you see it's not very safe here with the originals staying here permanently , so we called you here so you can help us with them and help us protect Elena" Damon explained I was annoyed they called me here for a girl

"I think Elena can handle herself she has been trained by Alaric expert Vampire Hunter" I said

"We don't want to risk that with her we can't lose her so please help us" Damon pleaded

"Alright what do I need to do?" I said giving in, they're my brothers I'd do almost anything for them

"You're aware of the original's ball they're having tomorrow, so what we need you to do is come bring a date if you want but we need you to watch Elena for us and stay by her side when we're not with her do you understand?" Stefan explained

"I do but where am I gonna find a dress on such short notice?" I asked

"Oh I almost forgot a package came for you earlier we put it in your room, I peeked it's a dress for you to wear, and be at the ball by 6 o'clock that's when we'll be bringing Elena ok?" Damon told me

"Ok" I said leaving the room.

I went up to my bedroom to see a box on my bed I took the top off and took the dress out it was gorgeous, I looked in the box and saw a note I thought you might need this darling –k, I smiled at the thought of Kol then went back to admiring my dress, until I realised I needed a date I quickly pulled out my phone texting a friend

hey need you to come to mystic falls now going 2 ball need date it hadn't even been a minute before he replied back saying on my way ;) .

I then received another text message it was from Rebekah hey meet me in the town square pleez I texted back B there soon before I made my way downstairs out the front door Vamp speeding to the square I saw Rebekah holding two cups of coffee and approached her giving her a hug "Hey Becks why are we here?" I asked as she handed me a coffee

"I just wanted to talk to you before the ball we still need to catch up because of my brothers interrupting us last night, which I apologize for" She said as we sat down on a bench

"It's alright becks your brothers weren't a problem it was nice to finally meet the other two and your brothers seem nicer than mine" I reassured her before drinking my coffee

"I could tell you like my brothers some more than others with the way you were eye fucking him" she said I nearly choked on my drink

I gave her a look before responding "I wasn't eye fucking Klaus I was sending him death glares" she laughed at me

"Not Klaus, Kol, I saw the way you looked at him when he entered the room, admit that you're attracted to him" she said

I blushed "alright I admit he's kind of hot but that's it Bekah besides he's your brother" I told her, she squealed

"I knew it you like him and you know he likes you as well I could tell by the way he was trying to mentally undress you" she told me I rolled my eyes at her

"Rebekah it's not a big deal I just find him attractive but nothing is ever going to happen because you're my best friend and I not going to upset you by shagging your brother" I explained to her

"So if we weren't best friends you would totally date and shag my brother then" she asked

"Not necessarily Becks and you know I don't date or have any type of relationship that isn't physically intimate and has no feelings" I told her

"you sound just like Kol you and him are a lot more alike than you think and though it's a bit unpleasant picturing you with my brother I must say you'd make an excellent couple" she told me

"Bekah you know why I can't be in a relationship" I told her and she knew I couldn't not since what had happened when I was human the memories still haunted me

"I know Stefanie and that's in the past. So let's forget about boys and go shopping, Nik gave me his credit card which was very stupid of him" she smiled we got off the bench linked arms and walked off to shop till we drop.

At the Boarding House

Hours later I was back at the boarding house carrying many shopping bags ,I opened the front door to find Elena and Caroline sat on one of the couches I placed my bags to one side and sat on the couch opposite them "hi girls what brings you here?" I asked

"We're waiting for Stefan and Damon they wanted to talk to us but they're not back yet so we're just sitting here waiting for them" Caroline explained

"Stefanie if you don't mind me asking, why did Stefan and Damon never tell us about you and how did you manage to become friends with Katherine and Rebekah of all people" Caroline asked obviously curious

"It's a long story I'll tell you but you must promise not to tell anyone only Stefan, Damon, Rebekah and Katherine know" they nodded

"ok it all started when I was human , Katherine came to stay with us and started spending a lot of time with my brothers but she apologised for doing that and also started to spend time with me and we became very close I knew she was a vampire and promised to keep her secret as long as my brothers didn't get hurt which they didn't , but I became lonely without Katherine, my brothers hogged her. I was very upset until one day I met called Joseph he took an interest in me and made me fall in love with him until he showed me what he really was he was a vampire and I was terrified of him. Once he showed me what he was he started using me , he would feed on me until I passed out and he didn't heal me until Katherine found out and forced him to so I had to lie and be very sneaky at hiding the marks on my body and h-he a-also tried to f-force himself on me but I'd start crying so he'd beat me leaving me on the floor unconscious and forcing me to hide all the scars and bruises and he said if I ever told anyone anything he'd kill my family and Katherine .

Then came the night of the vampire roundup Joseph thought I told someone so he drained me dry in front of the townspeople and council, forgetting he'd given me blood the day before. I woke up the next day with my brothers who were also in transition I was planning to die but Stefan forced me to turn , once I turned I ran I couldn't stay in mystic falls so I left and went to France where I met Rebekah she found me feeding on someone and then took it upon herself to teach me how to be a vampire. I learnt quickly and we became friends we started traveling until Klaus came and forced Bekah to leave with him , so I went back to America where I ran into Katherine who I thought escaped the roundup I didn't know about the tomb , we started travelling until she left explaining that she was running from someone but I didn't ask questions so I said goodbye.

I then heard about a funeral so I went to mystic falls and was reunited with my brothers after the funeral I travelled with Damon until we got into a fight and I've been on my own ever since but my brothers never forced me to come back here I chose to come back here though this town is nothing but bad I need to help my brothers and that was my story."

They both stared at me shocked they were about to say something when Stefan and Damon burst through the door , I quickly stood up, grabbed my bags and sped to my room I placed my bags to one side and changed into my PJs before going to my bathroom brushing my teeth I walked out of my bathroom to see my dress on my bed I picked it up and placed it on my chair carefully I couldn't help but smile at thinking about how sweet of Kol that was to do I crawled under my covers and closed my eyes thinking of Kol before falling asleep.

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