Chapter 5

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The Salvatore Boarding House

Stefan and Damon were in the living room. "I feel awful about what we said to Stefanie we really need to apologise to her" Stefan said

"Oh relax Stefan she'll come around she always does" Damon said

"But this isn't like all those times where we got into stupid arguments this is serious, she's really mad Damon" Stefan told him

"Oh come on Stefan you know she can't stay mad at us, she'll pout for a bit then she'll forgive us like she always does" Damon explained

Stefan sighed defeated by Damon "alright Damon but I'm still apologising to her when I see her, which makes me wonder where the hell is she Damon?" Stefan asked curious on where his twin might be

"Relax knowing Stefanie she probably went to the grill , called her BFF to get drunk with her then once they'd had enough they went back to the mansion and slept it off which means she'll be home in a couple minutes" Damon told Stefan

"ok I would say you're probably right except Rebekah left the ball early and went with Matt back to his place for some alone time if you get what I mean" he said raising his eyebrows at Damon

Damon grimaced in disgust realising what Stefan meant "ok so if Rebekah was busy humping the quarterback then that means Stefanie probably went to the grill and got wasted by herself then probably fell asleep in the woods knowing her. When she's upset she either gets drunk or has sex" he paused for a moment disgusted by the thought of his sister having sex with anyone "and we both made sure she wouldn't get laid last night which means she's passed out somewhere exhausted from all the stuff she did last night, so let's just leave her alone and let her come back to us when she feels like it. Cause we have stuff to do anyway, so just leave her be, let her recover from whatever wild stuff she did last night and apologise the very next time we see her ok" Damon told Stefan hoping he would agree

Stefan sighed defeated again; he knew Damon was right, let Stefanie recover from whatever wild activities she got up to last night then apologise to her. "Alright Damon you win, now come on we have to go see how Elena and Caroline are doing then we have to go meet Klaus and his siblings to see if we can have some agreement or truce on all of us living here , because none of us are leaving anytime soon, so get up and lets go" Stefan ordered Damon to do

"alright but do we have to create a truce with the originals of all people" Stefan nodded " well at least one good thing might come out of the truce , Stefanie may hate us a little less if we have a mutual agreement with her besties" Damon told Stefan getting up off the couch

"your right about that Damon, its good Stefanie has a friend and I don't want to be the reason her friends leave, plus Rebekah seems to be the only person that can get her mind off of things and distract her from things and I will allow anything that can keep Stefanie busy for even a short amount of time or take her off our hands when she gets too wild and uncontrollable" Stefan told Damon

Damon nodded in agreement "can't argue with that she's our sister and we love but she has too much energy I'd do anything to find someone that can calm her down or tire her out and Rebekah might be the only person who can do that with just a few drinks and a laugh. I'll never understand girls and how they work" Damon said

"I know Damon, now come let's go see Elena and Caroline" Stefan said walking out the door with Damon following behind him.

The Mikaelson Mansion

Stefanie's POV

I woke up with the sunlight on my face streaming through the window. I tried to move but there was an arm tightly wrapped around my waist, I then remembered last night's events and smiled thinking about all the hot sex we had it was so incredible Kol is the best lover I've ever had. I heard him starting to wake up so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I felt his hand move from my waist to my cheek and move some stray hairs from my face before placing a kiss on my cheek, "I know you're awake love" I heard him whisper

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