Chapter 6

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Stefanie's POV

I finally entered the boarding house, after my brothers caught me in the hallway with Kol they had to go downstairs and continue with their meeting while listening to us have sex again and again and again, It was so amazingly mid blowing having sex with Kol I'm still a bit sore even with my fast healing, we went at it all night, that's right I stayed over two nights in a row just to piss off my brothers, Rebekah lent me some clothes as my dress was ruined.

I entered the boarding house to find both my brothers sitting on the couches waiting for me

"Where the hell have you been we've been worried sick" Stefan said "correction we know where you were we weren't worried but why the hell were you there so long" Damon asked me I smirked

" brother I think we both know why I was there so long , now if you'll excuse me I need to get some rest I haven't slept much past few nights and I'm extremely sore " I smirked as they grimaced in disgust then went upstairs to rest.

I woke up a few hours later when I heard the front door open I slowly got off my bed then slowly walked across the room and opened my door and crept down the hall until I got to the stairs and listened to who was there ,I heard Elena and Caroline's voices

"Elena we really shouldn't be here without Stefan or Damon knowing" I heard Caroline say

"It's fine they won't know we were here, we're just gonna grab some alcohol and go" Elena explained

"But Elena sneaking into someone's home and taking their stuff is stealing" Caroline told her

"It's not stealing its borrowing, besides I really need it I've been feeling so guilty about kissing Damon then Stefan and not telling either of them and every time I see them I feel worse"

"Then tell them Elena they deserve to know after everything you've put them through" Caroline told her

"I will just not right now , come lets go before Stefan and Damon get home they'll be here in half an hour" Elena said

"What about Stefanie she could come back at any minute" Caroline said panicking

"Oh please that slut won't be home for ages she's probably screwing an original as we speak" Elena said confidently

"Elena you can't say that about people especially Damon and Stefan's sister and for the record she seems really nice" Caroline said defending me

"Caroline how can you defend her after what I saw yesterday , she came out of the bathroom with Kol in nothing but a towel and made-out with him in front of everyone an-"

"So Elena sleeping with an original doesn't make her a slut it's what the Salvatore's do, when they're upset they hook up with originals , Stefan and Damon have both done it so don't judge Stefanie for it" Caroline told her sternly and it was official I liked Caroline she and Rebekah would get on great

"Ok Caroline relax it's not like she's gonna find out what I said you're not gonna tell her are you" I quickly walked down the stairs

"She doesn't need to tell her, because she already knows and she heard every word you said" I said glaring at her "get out of here Elena you're lucky I'm not telling my brothers about this" they quickly left leaving me alone. The nerve of Elena she calls me a slut yet she's stringing my brothers along, she made-out with them both behind the others back yet I'm the slut I officially completely despise her. I sat down on the couch and checked my phone for messages seeing I had one for Rebekah asking to meet up in the park for a coffee as usual I quickly grabbed my jacket and shoes , then vamp sped to the park I saw Rebekah with two coffees in her hands as usual.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2013 ⏰

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