Kids ask why Y/N is Walking funny (sex) l

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You rolled over in the bed, pulling the fallen comforter up to cover your naked body. Scenes from the previous night played in your head, placing a light smile across your lips. Ever since the kids were born you and August haven't had a lot of alone time together. Alison who's 18 is going to college isn't the problem. It's your youngest, James who's 5 and needs attention. Though King is only 16 he can tend to himself. Your mom took the kids and watched them, bringing them back the next morning (today).

Snapping out of your thoughts you glanced at August's sided of the bed and saw he wasn't there. Must be downstairs with kids. You pulled the cover off of you and swung your legs over the side of the bed, standing up. A painful sensation occured between your legs, you were sore. Well makes sense, you haven't been bedded by August in almost a year.

You picked up your pj's that August managed to scattered around the room and limped to the bathroom. Red and purple marks were displayed all across your neck, down your chest and on your breast. You hissed at the scene infront of you. How dare he mark you like this, especially when the kids are here. You brushed your teeth and put on your clothes, pulling on a sweater to cover the marks up. Slowly making your way down the stairs the first person you saw was James. His little figure yelling and making his way to you, or should you say running. He grabbed onto your legs, and harsh pains ran up your legs.

"Woah honey. Slow down. Moms' a little under the weather right now." You kissed his little head and grabbed his hand, walking into the entertainment room. Where you found Alison and King arguing over the remote and August just sitting on the love seat just watching TV. You don't know how he does it.

"Hey!" You screamed, not really in the mood for this nonsense.

Everything stops and quiet surrounds the room, even August looks at you.

"What is going on King and Alison?" Just then both of them started talking at the time.

"LOOK!" You screamed again.

"King why can't you just go to your room. With your own damn tv, cable box, popcorn machine and slushi machine? And Alison you have the same damn thing in yours, plus a cotton candy machine."

"But mom, I was here first" King whined.

"Yeah, but I was born first. You and your big head always getting in the way of shit." Alison came back.

"Language Alison! I don't care how old you are, you will not use that language in front of me. Give me the damn remote." You grabbed the remote.

"JayJay what do you want to watch?"

"Yo Gabba Gabba." He cheered. You turned the channel and he ran to sit next to King.

"Great." Alison hissed.

"It's your fault." King hissed back.

"Alright you too. I can still ground you King and I can kick you out Alison."

You walked your way over to August and the love seat. But with every step your thighs protested. Your muscles clenched and burned.

"Mommy why are you walking funny?" James scrunched up his face.

You looked towards August and a smirk played on his face. oh how you could just slap it right off.

Alison being 19 probably put 2 and 2 together and screeched covering her eyes and shaking her head.

"Oh no. Please not another one. Don't you guys think 3 is enough?"

King looked between you, August and Alison and then catching on to the scene.

"Mom! Dad! That is disgusting. Is that the reason we went to grams house?"

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. You are not about to have this conversation with your kid especially with James being here.

"Mommy what are they talking about?"

"Nothing James. They are just being weird." August finally stepped in, but he didn't seem like he regret or pity anything.

"I can not get he imagine you too out my head. You guys are so old." King made a disgust face.

I guess James got bored and ran into the kitchen to get food because you heard the fridge open. For a 5 year old he sure is able to do a lot.

"By the positions that your mom here was doing showed she sure isn't old." August chuckled and walked over to you and 'helped you to the love seat.

"Eww dad. That is something I didn't need to know. The last thing I want to see is my mom in the Vienesse Oyster with you over her."

"What's that." King asked.

"You don't wanna know."

"Will both of you shut up?"

"Someone didn't satify her good enough." King whispered. But of course you heard it.

"You got up, ignoring your pains and slapped King up aside his head. "Room now. I don't know why the hell you try me." You snapped.

"And you young lady, you constantly test my patients. As I say again you might be 18 but I am the mother and I will still beat your ass. Both of you to your rooms."

Both left, leaving you and August alone.

"Damn bae. That was pretty hot."

"Shut up August. I'm still pissed the you marked up my body." You said walking out the entertainment room.

"Come one JayJay lets go watch a movie and eat popcorn and cotton candy."

"Yayyyyyy!" he hopped up and down.

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now