Smooth Criminal- Chapter 2

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a/n: Okay sooooooo sorry I haven't uploaded in so long but I had all of my finals this past week! I know im really only talking to my three fans but I love you guys thanks so much!! :D I have a four day weekend this weekend and I promise I am going to upload again by monday! I know exactly what I want to write and everything!! Okay thanks! Vote????


"Stupid cold." It's around one in the morning now and the traffic died down as much as it could in such a big city. I strolled along the river towards my motorcycle when I sensed someone behind me. You know that feeling that even though every last one of your senses say no one is around you can still feel the eyes burning into your very being? Well I definitely was feeling it right now. I slyly looked over my shoulder and saw a shadow by one of the little overpasses. I turned back around pretending I didn't see anyone when I a figure was now in front of me 100 yards away but slowly making his way towards me.

I casually but purposefully ducked around a corner and ran towards my right, unfortunately that's where the shadowed figure was but it was away from the other more intimidating threat. I flat out sprinted without looking back flying down the street. I have no idea who they are or if they followed me from the club. I weaved in and out of alleys and through crosswalk overpasses making sure no one was behind me before I slowed to a silent jog; opening up my ears to anything unusual. Hearing no one I jogged around the corner to my right heading back to the river and my bike. As soon as I rounded the corner a thick beefy hand snaked around my hips jerked me back into the wall and a hand slapped over my mouth.

Simultaneously, I thrashed out chopping the arm coming towards my mouth right in the elbow causing it just to snap more forcefully over me, but at least causing some pain to my, now, prey. I was slightly disconcerted since the road was very dark and narrow and the tall buildings cut out all moon light so when I thrust my knee up hoping to catch him I found nothing but air. I mule kicked back and felt nothing but the concrete wall crushing my right ankle as the perpetrator slammed me into it. My head snapped back hard causing my lights to momentarily dim but as soon as my vision came back I knew exactly where that ass was. I pushed myself off the wall with my hurt ankle wincing in the process, I could tell it wasn't broken so it didn't matter, and slammed my body onto my prey forcing his body down. I pulled my legs around him hoping for his gut but only meeting the tops of his legs. Geeesh how tall was this guy?! But the bigger they are the harder they fall, and he fell, hard. His hand came off my mouth as he unsuccessfully tried to break his descent. I punched him hard, right in the kisser and then gripped the top of his shirt and slammed his meaty head down, knocking him unconscious.

I stood up brushed my hands off and leaned down to check my ankle when all of sudden another body tackled me from the back. I felt the wind knock out of me and I gasped a little when his body hit mine. I, however, have cat like reflexes that came with being a cat burglar (hehe) and whipped myself around before he got a good grip on me and pulling him down and under me as we slammed against the ground. He was much stronger than his friend though so he was able to roll over on top of me supporting himself with his hands by either side of my head. Good, his body isn't crushing mine that would be too gross. I looked into his yellow eyes and saw that he had thin lips, a very round face, big ears and a military styled hair cut. He wasn't very handsome at all. I pulled my knees together and up pushing my feet on either side of his hips chucking him over my head. I pulled my gun out of my boot and before he could respond I hit him over the head with it.

My heart was racing and I saw another man and a big black SUV down at one end of this road. I turned and sprinted towards the river just trying to get out of this alley. I ran parallel to the river for a little before seeing out of my peripheral vision the black car racing a few paths ahead of me. I heard it screeching to a stop and footsteps pounding on the ground.

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