6. He sends you away (Michael)

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Michael was leaning against your car, his arms crossed, blonde hair blowing and looking down. You put your last suitcase in the car and closed the trunk. Michael was quiet...too quiet. You heard a sniff and look and see you tough, nineteen year brother crying. You started to cry too.

"Mikey" you say and he pushes himself off the car and you both give each other a bear hug.

"I'm going to miss you so much" He let out a shaky breath

"I'm going to miss you too." You whimper and let go but he didn't and you hugged him again

"Please don't go. You're the only one who knows me...better than I know myself" He said

"I have to go Michael. I promise I'll call" You say and you both let go.

"I love you (Y/N)" He said and wiped your tears

"I love you too Michael" You say and he kisses your forehead and opens the driver door for you. Once you got in, he closes it and you both wave before you drive off

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