28. Ice Cream and Bullets Part 4 (Michael)

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(You guys really seem to like this. Means a lot to me! Also very short! )

"Found ya..." A thick Australian accent said

"Ash what are you doing here?" He asked and Ashton helped him out of bed

"Here to help a long lost mate" He said and Michael winced as he got out of bed.

"(Y/N), you most likely don't remember me but I'm Ashton and I really need you to watch my back while I get Michael out" Ashton said and you nod


"You know how to use a gun?"


"What!?" Michael said and you shush him

"Alright, let's go" Ashton said and Michael puts his arm around his shoulder and Ashton put  his arm around his waist and you carefully walk out the room with your gun pointed. You occasionally hear gunshots and shouting but that's it. You guys were on the third floor and had to get to the first without getting shot or killed. You had no idea where Michael's or Calum's gang was at the moment but like a fire, they go up.

   As you walked carefully and quietly, you saw a gun turn the corner and realized it was the driver who drove Calum during the drive by where Michael got shot. You quickly shot him in the head and saw him drop. You three continue to walk and made it to the first floor. Michael's and Calum's gang were having a brawl.

Gunshot after gunshot after gunshot

"You" You hear Calum said and see him stocking towards you three with his gun, lights flickering

"You" You hear Calum said and see him stocking towards you three with his gun, lights flickering

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"You took everything you had from me. My family, my friends, everything!" Calum yelled, walking through the middle of the two gangs fighting

"Calum you did it all yourself. You pushed everyone away!" Michael yelled and Calum raised his gun

"I did nothing but stay by your side Clifford, but that's okay. An eye for an eye right" He said and puts his finger on the trigger

"Don't you pull the trigger on my brother" You demand

"Oh sweet little (Y/N)" He said mischievous "Are you really defending the person who killed your parents?" Calum said and you lowered your gun

Yep, I sure did leave you off on a cliff hanger. Next part will be the last part. I have packing and Highscool crap to do sooooooo TEA OUT!

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