Chapter 14

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Omg guys so this is your update btw I'm going to wrap this story up soon anyways here it is.

Vipers pov

I punched the wall once I got to my apartment. So much was going through my head and I didnt know what to do. My anger was at an all time high knowing what this sick bastard did to my baby. He vandalized him and used him.

I hissed to my self as I paced around the room.

Brandon's pov.

"Pick up viper pick up" I called him over over waiting to hear his voice but all I kept hearing was his shitty voice mail.

"Think brandon think." I looked around the white room I was looking around for anything I could do to escape without being noticed. I knew the nurses would go after me if they knew I was gone...but what if they are to busy notice.

I hit the nurse button to signal a nurse to come in.

Soon a young women came she wasn't the usual no this nurse look like she came from a doctor porno the way she wore her uniform none the less she smiled at me.

"How you doing sweet ness?" She asked smiling at me.

"You know the usual. " I said looking at her.

"Hey I have a question..." I said trailing off as she was looking at my heart monitor.

"Yea baby go ahead" She said writing down some stats.

"Can I go out side...I need some fresh air. I've been stuck here forever

"Hmm I guess I mean your rates are normal...and you have been in here for awhile...but I can only give you like 5 minutes." She said looking back at me with her big boobs....

"That's fine thank you" I said flashing her my smile.

"You are just the cutest thing...say do you have a girlfriend " She giggled biting her lip.

"No but I have a boyfriend who just got out of prison after robbing banks and committing 1st degree murder multiple times" I said with a smile on my face.

He face instantly went down and she looked at me.

"Yea let's get you outside" She laughed and undid my things that way i could stand.

I put on the clothes I came in. I put them on and followed as the nurse took me out. It was beautiful. The birds the warmth of the sun everything. The smell of flowers the blue of the water in the fountain that was next door all of it was amazing....why would I ever end it..

I regained focus and looked around.
"Use your surroundings brandon".

I looked around..
Man eating a sandwhich....ok than...
I looked all around until I finally saw what I wanted . In front of me was a women lighting her cigarette and putting her lighter away.

I looked around to find that my nurse wasn't watching me...she was to busy flirting...fuckin slut. I walked up to the lady till I bumped her causing her to grab me giving me enough time to snatched the lighter from her sweeter pocket.

"I am so sorry maam " I fake appoligize to her...I felt kinda bad cause she was on the older side and seemed very sweet.

"Awww that's ok accidents happen...would you like a spice drop?" She asked smiling.

"No thanks I have to go. Sorry again" with that I ran back to my nurse who was still flirting.

I cleared my throat causing her to look.

"Oh my has it been 5 minutes all ready?" She asked staring at me.

I nodded and she winked to the guy and took me inside.

"Wait I have to go to the bathroom..." I said looking st her.

"Okay but be quick I don't want to get in trouble" She said giggling.

"Yes maam" I said polity and went into the bathroom.

I looked around when finally I found what I was looking for. I unrolled toilet paper...a good amount. I then lit it on fire and held it under the sprinkler.

"God's I hope this works" soon the toilet paper was a flame and hit the metal causing the sprinkler system to burst on. Soon a loud noise rang.

I heard screaming has doctors were rushing to evacuate the building..that's when I made my move.

I ran fast out the door knocking into people but not caring. I got out side and looked around to see that the bike was still there. I hopped on the bike and biked as fast as I could. I had to find viper...

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