Chapter 3

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I was naked curled up in a ball under the desk as I listened to the shower next door with my lord in it washing up after finishing doing me in wolf form and forcing me to shift back to being a human. That moment was one of the most pleasurable experiences in my life but also my worst experience as I felt so helpless and yet I got pleasure out of it. To think that what could have been days ago her worst problems was trying to turn down some boy at her school who had asked her out and finishing up the ridiculous amount of work my teachers had given me to complete over the weekend. I wonder if my best friend went along with her plan of going up to her boyfriend’s cabin with him to sleep with him and if my mom decided to marry Steven, her latest boyfriend. Still to deep in thought to, I heard the water turn off and a rustling sound follow by the door opening.  I knew my lord was the one that had pulled me out from under his desk and pulled me into his arm.  Starting to feel better just being held by him I suspected him of manipulating my emotions some way.  

“Hey it is ok do not cry there is nothing to be sad about and I must say you are looking so hot without any clothes on.” He whispered in my ear wear moving us to sit in the sofa in the office with me on his lap.

I decided to ask the question that I had wanted to know for a while know “What is your name my lord?”


“Will you ever let me see my family and friends again?”

“I heard you think about them when I was in the shower and to put it frankly you are not going anywhere that I am not.”

He whispered harshly into my ear “Don’t ever think of escaping or so help I will tie you up to ensure you NEVER ESCAPE.”

I went silent and you could feel him radiating anger but began drifting as he brought me closer and closer to him. Looking down I noticed he was only in a towel around his waist causing me to start blushing remembering the blowjob my wolf had given him earlier in the day. I heard a lustful growl reminding me he could read my thoughts as he pinned my underneath him on the sofa. Lucas began  tracing his mark on me before kissing his way down to one of my boobies were he began to rub it and suck on it before turning his attention to the other one. I felt my legs spread and my hands to start holding on to his hair as he entered in to me making me grasp in pain before slowly turning to pleasure as I felt him moving in and out of me. I ran my hands from his hair gently down his back until I dug in my nails in to his skin earning a moan of pleasure. He began to pick up his speed as I started reaching my climax and I could tell he was reaching his too. With one final thrust, he fell on top of me as I yelled out his name in pleasure before drifting off from pure exhaustion.

Waking up a noticed that he had one arm snaked around my waist keeping me on his perfectly sizzled chest the other holding my inner thigh on his waist. I decide to take a shower while he was a sleep and tried to lift his arms off me. Anytime I would move though he would pull me right back even closer to him until he growl signaling he was awake.

“Where are you trying to escape to melody? Did not tell that you could not leave me?”  He accused harshly”

“I was just trying to go used the restroom and not disturb you because you looked so peaceful, Lucas.” I lied pretending to stutter making it seem more believable and for him to not realize I said his real name instead of my lord. It seemed fate was not on my side because he shoved me off the coach and started stalking toward me as I backed up until I hit the wall still creeping up he encaged between him and the wall. He moved his knee in between legs before getting on his knees and kiss and sticking his tongue into me each caress felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. I felt myself become addict with his touch and having to feel him touch me. Licking the evidence of my pleasure off his lips he roughly turned me around so I faced to wall and entered into me causing a loud moan of pleasure that I had tried to bit back escape my mouth. We were both nearing our climax when we heard a loud knock on the door growling at being interrupted he pulled  out me and grouped his towel laying on the ground from our little moment on the couch earlier and grabbed it around his waist while forcing me to shift into a wolf again.

The door slowly opened and in walked a beautiful lightly curled blonde hair girl who looks so angelic in an easily slip on sip off sundress. She immediately walked over to Lucas and wrapped her hands around his neck just smiling as if she had won the lottery. Still ignoring me she began to kiss him and slowly turned into a make out session as he kissed her back. When that happened I felt my heart break and realized silly thinking, I meant something to him other than being his whore. As soon as I finished that thought Lucas was in front of me whispering “Do not ever think that my Melody. You are more than just some whore I messed around with your my mate.” Little miss angelic started to pout out no longer having his attention and loudly shut the door.

“Why did you not tell me you have a new plaything? You know how I love to play with them but you really should not keep bringing them if they only last for a couple of days.” The girl stated to Lucas slightly annoyed but not understanding all the situation around here.

“Sarah this is not just some plaything she is my mate so do not ever talk here down at all.” Lucas huffed angry at for her unknowing error.

“ohh” her faced feel but continued “Is she why you did not come to our room these past two nights? Lucas remember I am your wife not her and I am the one going to carry your children first. However, what I said about having fun with her still applies because she does have this adorable look to her.” After that, Sarah just walked out the door leaving us alone as a heavy silence rang over the room.

“You should know the pack just got out of a bad war and we lost a lot of our members because of it. So I had to take on several human lovers to in pregnant them to help make up those numbers and marry Sarah because she has a great lineage that will make strong werewolf pups.”

“What does this due to me, my lord?” I questioned.

“Do not worry about it how about you take a shower in the bathroom connected on the right to this room while I go talk to Sarah and get you some clothes.”

Following his request, I walked through the door on the right and enjoyed the feel of the warm water around my skin. I felt Lucas behind me as a turned around to get the shampoo and saw him step into the shower getting close so there was no room between us.

“Where were we before we had been interrupted?” He whispered lustfully into my ear.

“I thought you were going to talk to Sarah?” I stated confused.

“I was but then I decided that I would much rather finish were we left off and I believe I should punish you for not following the rules about saying my lord.”

 He declared before we started kissing and he immediately entered causing me to wrap my legs around him continued getting his fill of me before jus dumping me on the tile floor and racing out of the bathroom. I really should not have expected anything different so I finished up my shower and decide if I was ever going to run away from here I would need a plan and the first step is to figure out how to break or block the bond so he cannot hear my thoughts or find me.

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