Chapter 2

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I woke out of falling asleep from sheer boredom to see him lean over me and start untying the restraints. I felt the cloth slowly loosen centimeter by centimeters while he untied the restraints grinding against my body. As soon as I became free, I began to rub the red line the restraints had caused on my wrist. He grabbed my wrists to stop moving making me look up at him.

“I should probably explain all this to you but before I explain you have reward me for releasing you. The payment will be for you to have to kiss me.” He uttered with each word-adding husk into his words making him sound very seductive by the end. After his speech he picked me up by my waist causing me to automatically wrapped my legs around his waist so I would not fall and began to roughly kiss as if he were a dying man and I was his last chance of survival. The kiss so turned into a make out as our lips began to move in sync with each. When I broke the kiss for air he began to move down to kissing up and down my neck tell he found my sweet spot releasing a loud moan to come out of my mouth that I barely noticed that we were no longer in the storage room but were now in a spacious home office. He grazed his teeth over my sweet spot causing me to feel this overpowering need to get him in my pants. This need broke the moment as my brain began to kick in think how I am turning into such a slut all the sudden. I never had felt this way before heck, I had never done anything beyond a kiss with a guy and here I am about ready to fuck some strange guy that probably kidnapped me. If you had asked me before all this happened back in my ordinary, simply life of going to high school about how I would have reacted if all this happened to me I would have mentioned something about screaming like a banshee so someone would save me. By now, this guy understood that the moment had been broken so he walked over to his desk and pull out his chair while still holding me with one hand until he started to sit down and he shoved me off of him causing me to land with a big thud on the soft carpet below. Sitting down now he push me so I was crouched down I the opening for the chair. I could not help thinking to myself the whole time this was happening desk’s chair hole is huge because there was enough room to fit another head or two above me and room behind me to have the chair completely in and room for me to be sitting comfortably against the back of it. His chair still slightly out so he could still see into my eyes but so I had to look up to see his almost as if I were on my knees begging him for something.

“I hope you come to like this position because you are going to experience it a lot slave.” He state while smirking to himself and began to explain what was going on “Well my little slave as I stated before I am your master and you are to grant my every whim no matter what it is because you will have no choice but to. As you probably guess yes, I was the one who kidnapped you because I am a werewolf and you are my mate though mates are not as you read about in other romance book. Mates are something for the males to mate with and express their dominance over making females the equivalent of a sex slave. This is especially because like I said earlier females do not have any chose but to follow the males every command due to the female wolf takes over the body and follows through with the command. To the question, you are thinking yes you are a werewolf you just did not know it because only the male mate can say anything to the female because they also tell them about the mating process.”

“What the mating process and what is involved in it?”I question though I have a feeling it will have something involving sex.

“I should mention that you have to address me as my lord and that if you do not comply complexly with this you have to strip one article of the uniform you are wearing of my selection.” He looked at to respond to know I understood what was happening.

“I understand, my lord”

“Excellent! The mating process ties you to me and creates a bond allowing me to read your thoughts, always know what you are doing, always know what you are doing, and it allows no male without my approval touching you.” He gridded his teeth at the last part as if this was the most horrible  idea he could think of and continued on with his explanation. “This process has already started because it starts with a kiss then to me marking you by biting your shoulder causing my name to appear written there like a tattoo and you to be able to shift into a wolf which is soon followed by me fucking you in human and wolf form. Though I have to admit I cannot wait to jump to the last one.” When he finished I had a knot the pit of my stomach at all that I was going to have to do completely willing or not.

“How much experience do you have with men.” he all the sudden growled out at me breaking me from my thoughts.

“None my lord” I replied to his question. This answer seemed to please him because a huge smile formed on his faced as if he had something evil planned. I noticed he started to move his chair a little closure to me.

“Since I have boring work to do, what do you say you do something that will entertain me and help you gain new knowledge?” He proposed but I had a feeling I did not have a choice unless I wanted to be naked anymore than I already was.

“What are you suggesting my lord”

“I will command you on what to do for each step, starting with pull my chair in so full in the hole with yourself still inside.” I waited for a second debating if this was a good idea or not before complying with the first command.

“Good, now spread my legs apart from each other.” I thought just about barely pulling them away from each other but he interrupted with “they should be far enough apart that you can fit yourself up to my crotch inside them.” Damn it it is as if he knew my plan so I spread his leg by pushing his legs so I was now next to his crotch. “Now I am going to give you a series of commands to follow. First, unbutton my pants and undo the zipper with your teeth. After that push down my pants and boxers to my knees and give a hand job followed by a blowjob.” I followed each step until it came to the hand job and just froze and stared at the slightly erect huge dick staring at me. At this point I did not care about the consequences I refused to go any father in many ways I reached the line were I refused to do this like a scared little girl. It was only a couple of minutes into my rebel when I could sense him becoming really annoyed by stopping were I had. As his angrier began to build I felt a pull force my body as if someone else had control and I was just an on looker watching from this perspective. I gently caressed his balls with my hand and then pumping while licking them earning a growl of pleasure from him. Moving to focus on his shaft, I began to pump his shaft having him become more erect with each movement. After the hand job, I had control for a split second but feeling me not continue he seemed barely annoyed as he was still coming down from his high on my hand job but that was all it took. I assume to be my wolf take control and roughly shove his dick in my mouth starting what seemed to be magic from the way my lord started groaning and growling. Finishing up, I noticed I had control over my body but my lord had pull out hid chair making me fall on the carpet.  He grabbed me shoved me on to his desk and pulled off my panties before kiss finding my sweet spot. Once he found the spot, he bit into my skin while perfectly synchronizing two of his fingers entering me leading me to release a loud moan of pleasure.  Continuing to pull in and out with his fingers, he removed his teeth and smirked at his name written in large elegant Victorian writing, until he felt he had finished the job leaving me panting on the table. I all the sudden heard his voice in my head telling me to shift. My body started to responded without me even knowing what was going on until I fell on the floor a werewolf my lord coming toward already a wolf licking his lips as if he caught a prey.  I began backing away slowly until he jumped on my back and entered in me beginning to doing me even as my body enjoyed I could not help feeling sad that he had been right when he called me a sex slave because that’s all I felt I was but with not even the ability to try to fight back.

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