
18 3 3

"Peggy, I don't have a problem meeting people." Steve sighs outwardly as his small group of friends burst into laughter. He doesn't need this. He should just leave. Or, well, he would. The only problem with that idea: everyone is at his apartment.

"Steve," Peggy gasps, "don't lie. You're terrible at it."

"Look, Cap," Dugan cuts in, if only to attempt to save Steve from a little of Peggy's wrath. "We're not trying to run your life or anything. We're just saying that it might help you a bit to branch out. Peg's leaving for LA soon, and that means you're gonna be bored as hell."

Steve starts to protest, but Dugan cuts him off. "Don't you dare say you'll have us, because you know as well as I do that everyone's moving soon enough. We're worried about you, is all."

"I still say you don't need to be. Even if you all move out of Brooklyn, I'll be fine." Steve receives six matching looks of sympathy. Steve hates it when they do that.

"Steve," Dernier reasons, "we know you've had it rough since—"

"Don't," Steve warns.

"--Bucky moved out," Dernier finishes. "Just hear us out. I think we'd all feel a lot better if you at least went with us to a bar or something. We want to help you find someone nice."

Peggy puts a hand on Steve's arm and he shoves it off. "I'll be fine. I don't even care about him anymore."

Morita sighs. "Dude. You never told him. We know what that does to a guy."

"Especially to a guy like you," Falsworth adds.

Steve glares. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Peggy stands up in front of Steve so that he has to look up at her from the couch. "You're moving out. You cant afford the place anyway, not without my addition to the rent. You and Bucky barely made ends meet before. Jones found you an affordable place in Manhattan. The boys are moving you in the day after I leave."

Steve attempts to protest, but the withering look she gives him leaves no room for argument. "Fine." He says angrily. This is not going to be fun.


"Just because it was cheap doesn't mean I'm guaranteed to stay," Steve argues. They've just finished moving everything into his new apartment, everything consisting of Steve's bed, a couch, a recliner, and a television. God. Steve needs more stuff.

"Hey now," Dernier frowns, placing a protective arm around Gabe, "Gabe worked hard to find you this place. Don't be rude."

"Actually, I saw the ad on a telephone pole on my way home one night," Gabe shrugs. Steve smirks at Dernier and receives a glare in return.

"You the new guy?" says a voice from the doorway. The six men turn to the voice to see a slightly pissed-looking, dirty blond, short man standing with one shoulder squished on the frame.

Steve extends his hand. "Steve Rogers."

The man deslouches and shakes Steve's hand. "Clint Barton. I'm the landlord here. You get one warning on the rent, then I get tough. Just to warn you."

A redheaded woman suddenly appears behind Clint and smirks at Steve's surprised expression. "Don't let him scare you. Clint's a real softy."

Clint glares halfheartedly at the woman. "Naaat," he whines. "I was trying to establish a tough exterior! Why do you always have to ruin my fun?"

Nat smirks wider and punches Clint lightly on the arm. "Natasha Romanov," she addresses Steve, "I live next door to your left. You're coming over tomorrow for dinner."

Steve blinks. "I am?"

Natasha rolls her eyes. "Don't get your hopes up, the whole floor is coming. You're going to meet everybody."

"That was easy," Dugan mutters. Steve glares at him.

"Thanks for the invite," Steve tells Natasha.

She smiles at him. "See you at six." Somehow, between blinks, the woman disappears. Steve looks to Clint for an explanation, but the stout man merely smiles and leaves the room.

"Well," Gabe says, "I guess this is goodbye."

"For a short while," Falsworth adds quickly. Steve smiles. He's known these guys for so long, he can barely imagine life without them. He knows leaving Brooklyn was the right choice, as much as it hurts. Without Bucky and Peggy, Steve would have lost his shit in three days flat.

"Call us," Morita says.

Steve winks. "If I'm not too busy."

Dugan seems to take him a little seriously. "Even then, you'll make time every once in a while. Promise us."

Steve grins and hugs him. "Dum Dum, how could I ever leave my buddies behind?"

The six men give a quick group chant of "Howling Commandos!" before each of them hugs Steve and leaves the apartment. Steve feels so alone once they've all gone. This is going to be rough.

Steve: What is he gonna do?Where stories live. Discover now