||Another Day in The Nerd World|| {2}

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Okay so first period is going fine, but that's only because none of the pops are in advanced history. Rain and Jesse are my only friends in school, which I really don't mind, but Jesse is the quarterback and me and Rain are the nerds. It's very hard to be unknown and be known at the same time. Jesse is very well known because of being the quarterback, but me and Rain get bullied on the daily basis, mainly me. I don't know why.... actually I do know why I get bullied more than Rain, it's because everyone here pity's the adopted girl with the cancer dying mom.

The queen bitch, the other football players, the jocks, and the cheerleaders all bully me even more. Jesse doesn't bully us and he's even made them stop but they all continue with or without Jesse knowing. I hate it when people try to stop things for me. So I told Jesse that I could handle it.

Not really cause I don't stand up for myself. It's my last year and then I'm out of school and then I go to college. So I don't care if they bully me now, it's not like it bothers me too much because I don't allow their comments to get too me.

But I hate it cause they just won't stop. Another group of guys who bully me; are the bad boys. I don't talk to them and I try to make as little or no communication or contact with them as possible.

There are six of them and unfortunately for me I have them all in my next class, oh god something bad is going to happen. The bullying gets bad, it gets to some points where they actually hit me, well none of the said bad boys mostly the queen bitch and her minions and some times the jocks. It's weird, but fuck I'm so scared.

"-Lla, Ella, ELLA!" I jump back from my thoughts and glare at the person that yelled at me.


"Ella class is over, the bell rang like two minutes ago and you still haven't reacted. C'mon we have to head to Maths." Jesse and Rain say as they proceed to show me around the room that is slightly empty, with some of the next period kids entering.

"Oh shit, sorry guys I was lost again. Go on ahead I have to go grab my books from my locker." I say still shaken, from being away in my thoughts for so long, it always happens but usually I'm not so shaken up.

"Are you sure? Do you want one of us to go with you?" Jesse asks worriedly.

I shake my head, "No it's okay, you guys get to class, Maths is all the way to the back of the school, if you don't hurry Mr. Harris will have both of your asses."

They both look skeptical about leaving me and I understand because of all the shit that goes down in this hell of a school. "Go, what's the worst that can happen?"

That was the worst thing that I could have said, in that moment I regretted not asking Jesse to come with me but I knew that if I had left Rain alone that she would get picked on. Fuck why does life have to be so fucking complicated?

I was walking back from my locker when suddenly I was pushed into the lockers, my head colliding with the sharp metal. Groaning I open my eyes glad that my glasses survived the crash. There stood the six most troublesome boys of all this school.

Let me give you a small round up of who I am talking about...

Jacob Monroe- 17 years old, short black hair, 6'4ft, brown eyes, he smokes, and he's a player.

Alexander Cortez- 18 years old, blonde hair it goes a little past his ears, 6'3ft, blue eyes, smokes, and he's a player? I don't know honestly.

Mason Waverly- 18 years old, grey eyes, blue hair it's dyed obviously, he drinks and he smokes, he's 6'3ft, and a player.

Zakk Colton. 19 years old, brown hair, blue eyes, he's 6'4 1/2ft, smokes ex player/ in a relationship.

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