Chapter 9 Twist

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School became nice almost normal for me, beside the glares no one taunted me. I actually felt sort of normal. I kept on reading the book. It was interesting. I learned about the bond that mates share and how it could grow so powerful that it could make them grow stronger in love and their lives. For once in my life I felt normal, well almost. The scar above my eye went away but left a line right above it. About a week after when I went home, my book was gone. I searched my entire room and then fell on my bed too exhausted to continue. I found it in my bag in the morning definitely not where I left it but after that I returned it. Luc began to stare much more at me in the hallways and it made me nervous.

                Maya stayed far from me but she still hung out with Luc. I guess that they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend; it did not matter to me. I had promised Luc my part of the deal by the end of the week and it was slowly approaching Sunday. Saturday night I lay in bed thinking about what I was going to do. It made me sad but maybe just maybe I would meet dad when I left, maybe mom and Maya would have a better place. I gulped and turned away only to have my eyes settle on Luc’s figure. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” he said. I nodded. He stayed there awhile until I turned and closed my eyes, the silent teardrops raced down my cheek.

                Sunday morning I got up early and went to work, the café was not open but I called out to Mr. Martinez. “Hey,” He said. I smiled and gave him a hug. He was like a father to me and had been one since dad had died. “”What’s that for?” he asked. I smiled. “I miss work,” I said. He shook his head. “Maybe we should open on Sundays,” he thought aloud. I laughed and chatted with him for a while before walking home. I had done it, I had said goodbye to the only one who seemed to care, I knew I lied but I still got to say goodbye. My feet led me inside and I stopped as I saw mom sitting on the couch. “Where were you!” she cried. “I went for a walk,” I said. Her eyebrows went up and for a moment I felt sad, really sad as I thought about the mom I had lost when dad died. “Mom,” I said. “What!” she cried. “I love you… my words trailed off as I ran up the stairs. Maya came in sometime after lunch and I thought about telling her goodbye, she was after all my sister. I got up several times but my feet could not make it to the door. Eventually I sank down and cried what little I could.

                That night as mom and Maya slept I slipped out the back door. I could feel Luc nearby .I threaded after him as we made our way to the trees. I walked on silent and knowing my fate. When we reached a small clearing he turned to me. His wolf began to melt away. I closed my eyes and opened them a minute later to see him pulling on a pair of pants. “Why did you shift?” I asked. “I wanted you to reject me in this form,” He said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This would be harder for me and I knew it. My eyes slowly came to his level and I looked at him. The trees seemed to whisper amongst themselves as I stood there. I took a deep breath and then spoke. “I Tabitha Seales… “Wait!” Luc cried. My eyes widened as he came closer.

                “What happened,” I asked through moist eyes.  He came forward and grasped my hand. “Why are you going through with this?” he asked. “The deal,” I muttered out. “You know that you can die when you reject me,” he said. My eyes shot open. “How did you... my words trailed off. “I took your book,” he said. I sighed. “I have to do this,” I bit out and pushed him away. His eyes grew dark and his fur began to race up his body. I stared in shock before he lounged at me. I screamed and stumbled back. My wolf was begging to be set free, I admitted and she came out blossoming brown fur that leaped up. He stared at me in shock and his teeth bared. I shook my head and tried to throw him off but he held me there under him. My paws kicked out but they were useless. His power was dominating me. His nose nudged me and before I knew what was happening I began shifting back to my human form. I screamed and pushed against him only to realize that it was not fur I was pushing against but human skin.

                I screamed again but not for long as his lips crashed against mine, sending me into frenzy. In stead of pushing him away I began to draw him closer. I fought with my wolf but she seemed to take over. My hands clutched his hair and before I knew what was happening something pricked me at my neck. I threw my head back as a rush of warmth flooded me and pulled his head closer. The feeling captured my body sending me writhing on the ground. My lips came to his neck before I realized what was happening my teeth sank in. I stared at him but not believing what I was doing. I broke away and he looked at me. Tears were streaming down my face and I had no idea what had just happened. I pushed at his chest yet he held on. “Please,” I rasped out. He rolled off me and I got up shakily turning away from him.

                “You’re mine now,” he said. I stared at him from over my shoulder. “What?” I said. “What we did I made you change to your wolf form when she’s there you can’t reject me and as long as I marked you, you became mine,” he finished. I stared at him before shaking my head. “But you wanted this I can’t be your mate!” I bit out through my tears. His arm came around me sending tingles down my spine. He turned me and looked at my face. “I never saw who you were and what kind of person you were till those last few days,” he said, When I saw that book I knew something was up and when I read it I knew what you were planning so I started to follow you around, the days you walked home from work, at work sometimes even when you slept, my wolf became drawn to you and I realized how stupid I was from the beginning.” I closed my eyes and his hand brushed away my tears. “I’m sorry,” he said, “We are mates and I can never separate that and I don’t want to.” “I never understood why they called you the father killer not until the café guy told me, it was selfish and stupid but I got to know and I’m truly sorry Tabitha,” he said.

                “What do I do now?” I rasped out. He stared at me before kissing my nose. “Now we tell everyone who we are. I hugged myself against the cold. His hands found mine and slowly his arms began to bristle think grey black fur I felt my wolf inside me and knew she was shifting too. We ran through the trees taking in the sweet woodsy scent until I thought we would never stop. I went home tired and breathless yet happy. That morning we pulled up in his car and I gulped. “I can’t do this,” I said. He had picked me up late and I was wearing one of my craziest outfits yet, everyone would see us. I had pulled on a dress that Maya had handed down, it fit a bit too tight at my bust, “I can’t,” I said. He took my hand and looked at me. “You look beautiful and no matter what you wear I’ll always know that,” He said and cocked up an eyebrow. I gasped at his double meaning and swatted away his hand. He got out and came around to open my door. My feet trembled as he pulled me out. Everyone stopped to stare. I felt like I was on display. He shut the door and then led us through the gates towards my locker.

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